forum STRESS: sociology survey for class!
Started by @KalamariCakes

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  • Tell me about yourself: gender? Job? Extrovert/introvert? Family (if adult, do you have kids & how many? Single or double income household?)
  • Out of everything, what stresses you out the most?
  • What do you do to calm yourself down?
  • Do you have nervous tics (twirling hair, nail biting, fidgeting, etc?)
  • What behavioral mannerisms pop up under stress? (Shaking, stuttering, blushing, etc?)
  • If your appetite is affected by stress, does it increase or decrease?
  • Is your sleep affected by stress and how?
  • Do you become aggressive/vocal or do you withdraw/hide it?
  • Do you tend to deal with problems on your own/with others/not at all? (What’s your strategy?)


  • Female, unemployed, ambivert. Mother, father, younger sister
  • School, or anything related to it. The way I look, especially my body
  • scratch my skin, try to breathe (breath in for four seconds, hold for three, out for seven), listen to music, anything to cause pain, which focuses me
  • nail biting, fidgeting, scratching
  • stuttering, trembling hands, breathy voice
  • Depends. Either decreases rapidly, or increases rapidly.
  • Very much so, meaning I don't sleep
  • I fall silent, use as little words as possible
  • usually on my own, just bear it until it's over

Deleted user

Hi I can help, hopefully.

  • I am female. I do not have a job but it is constantly on my mind. Introverted. I have both parents and a little sister, as well as a grandma, two aunts, an uncle and an older cousin.
  • Schoolwork, my diet/body, and family. Keeping up with my hobbies is a good one too.
  • Go upstairs into my room and listen to music, watch Youtube.
  • Yes. When I’m nervous I tend to fidget and lie.
  • (lmao lying). I shake when under massive pressure and I pace as well.
  • My appetite increases rapidly when I am stressed, no matter how bad.
  • My sleep is not affected by my stress as far as I know.
  • I tend to lash out at certain things when they are stressing me out, such as a human yelling at me/making me frusturated.
  • I try to deal with them on my own, but I cannot handle them on my own, so I take a lot of the weight.


  • Non binary trans, used to work at McDonalds but stopped a few months ago and I'm currently unemployed, introvert but can be very outgoing when around friends, mother, stepfather, living with 2 siblings but I think I have a lot more siblings than that
  • My parents/my life at home
  • Listen to music, play my ukulele, bake
  • I pull at the short hairs at the back of my neck, bite my lip really hard, pick at my skin, stutter
  • Trembling, shaky voice, really bad stuttering, sometimes I can't speak at all, trouble breathing, blacking out. Edit: I don't know if this counts but I feel like my entire body heats up and then cools down, like I have a fever for two seconds. It's really weird and I hate it lol
  • Descreases (I get too nauseous to eat)
  • Yes. I'll go days without sleep before crashing for an unpredictable amount of time.
  • I can get pretty loud if I'm angry or feel threatened
  • On my own. I just wait until it's over and use all of my energy to make sure I'm taking care of myself physically.

@HighPockets group

  • Female. Ambivert, depends on the day which is more dominant. Mom, dad, younger sister, and a dog and a cat. Used to work at a pizza buffet but I resigned for the school year. (If it matters I do plan on returning in summer)
  • Out of everything, what stresses you out the most?
  • I get out and examine my figurines that I collect.
  • Nail biting. Really bad nail biting. Also the Anxiety Leg BounceTM
  • Shaking a bit, really deep yet rapid breathing
  • Decreases a bit, but I eat anyway because I have no self control
  • Yes. I stay up a lot later and have difficulty getting up.
  • Yes, I get really irritable and aggressive but I try to withdrawl and hide in my room.
  • Not at all.

@The-Magician group

  • Gender fluid, currently unemployed, ambivert, mum, stepdad, two sisters and a brother
  • Sudden loud noises (especially dogs barking) and when I can't do something the way I picture it in my head
  • Listen to music, sing, or write
  • None that I am aware of
  • Shaking mainly
  • My appetite increases and decreases depending on what I am stressed over
  • My sleep is not affected by my stress
  • I tend to withhold everything and not really deal with my problems as I feel the more I concern myself with them the more upset I will become

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  • Female, full time employment, introvert in the extreme. Adult! Unmarried, live all by myself. (well I have a cat)
  • People. They way they talk and react to outside stimulus. Things that I cannot control. Crowds.
  • I become a hermit. Or stick myself in an environment where I know I can calm down (Bookstores, my car, my house, friends house etc.)
  • I'm literally always moving, I cant sit still. I self stimulate 24/7. I play with my hair, fidget with my fingers, trace/ color in my tattoos, crack my knuckles, hum, organize and reorganize my desk/room (OCD is the worst)
  • Stuttering mostly. I also bounce on my toes and shake.
  • I can go three days without eating and not realize it because I'm so stressed.
  • I'm already an insomniac, so I really dont actually know.
  • I have angry outbursts for sure. Just because I want quiet and to be left alone, but never aggressive. If i already am in a quiet place, then I withdraw and become reclusive.
  • I have a friend that is pretty much my life supporter who I talk to almost every day. It took me a long time to get to this point though. I used to internalize everything and it was the worst. Most of the time I can calm myself down, now a days, forcing myself to become emotionally detached from a situation and then thinking through it logically and then coming back to it helps me immensely. Sometimes you just have to force your emotions off.

@Becfromthedead group

Tell me about yourself: Female, Full-time college student, introvert, still live with parents and 1 brother, double income house
My family and their inability to respect my decisions as an adult, home life in general
If possible, get myself out of the situation, try to deep breathe, sometimes cry for release
Biting bottom lip, nibbling on nails (but never biting them down), running hands through hair, rubbing the back of my neck
Slight nervous stutter sometimes (think correctional/rewording type stutter), a little shaking at times, crying (that I sometimes can't control), freezing up and somewhat disconnecting from the surrounding world for a time
Increase and decrease, depending on the situation. If it's more of an upset/shaken type of stress, I don't eat, but there are cases where I stress eat, usually for more long-term, consistent stress
Combination of not being able to go to sleep (though relatively rare), and sleeping way too much, napping all the time, nodding off in bad situations
I withdraw when I can, but I can get snappy if a specific person is causing me distress or is making matters worse. Often, I try to turn to people I love to help reassure me
I always try to think of what to do on my own first. Come up with basic plans. However, I overthink everything a lot, so I usually go to my fiance for a second opinion.


-Female, student, introvert with some extrovert tendencies, 2 parents, 2 (younger) siblings, double income household
-Deadlines, thinking about the future
-Reading, listening to music, spending time by myself doing something relaxing
-I shake my hands or rub them together, tap my fingers or toes, clear my throat, and/or start breathing really weirdly, like I have to completely fill up my lungs with every breath
-Blushing, speaking softly, stuttering a little
-It either increases or stays the same depending on the intensity of the stress
-It's really hard for me to get to sleep but once I actually fall asleep I never want to get up
-I get really irritable and annoyed by everything so I withdraw and try to avoid human contact. I'm only agressive if I can't get away from whatever's ticking me off.
-Depending on the problem, I either try my best to fix it myself or just wait for it to go away. I will go to someone for help only if the problem is immediate and I've exhausted all other options.

Deleted user

  • Female, unemployed, introvert, parents, siblings.
  • Uncontrollable situations, being in the spotlight, crowds, being contronted.
  • Be alone, listen to music, browse through Pinterest, watch videos on YouTube.
  • Chewing my lower lip, biting my nails, twirling hair, fidgeting, rubbing the back of my head.
  • Sweaty palms, shaky legs, pale face, urge to lie.
  • Decreases. Sometimes causes me to throw up.
  • Sleep decreases.
  • Withdraw/hide it.
  • Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t. If I don’t acknowledge it, it’ll go away. There’s no point in talking about it. Although I do have a best friend I can rant to when I’m angry etc, but I avoid talking to her when I’m stressed.

@Starfast group

Tell me about yourself: Female, vet assistant, introvert. I live with my parents and have an older sister, younger sister, and younger brother.
Out of everything, what stresses you out the most? I think probably work. Even though I love what I do, there's just some aspects about it that really stress me out.
What do you do to calm yourself down? I find that going out to see my horse is usually the most effective but it's not always an option. When I'm at home I'll usually draw, listen to music, watch stuff on youtube. At work I'll just find something to do to try and take my mind off things.
Do you have nervous tics (twirling hair, nail biting, fidgeting, etc?) I think nail biting is the main one for me. I pick at them too though.
What behavioral mannerisms pop up under stress? (Shaking, stuttering, blushing, etc?) I get really shaky and sweaty.
If your appetite is affected by stress, does it increase or decrease? It decreases. It's especially prevalent when I'm competing at horse shows. I don't eat in between classes because I don't ever feel hungry because I'm so nervous about competing. By the time I finish my last class I'm usually starving.
Is your sleep affected by stress and how? Yes it is! I often have troubles falling asleep when I'm super stressed about something.
Do you become aggressive/vocal or do you withdraw/hide it? I typically will withdraw and try to hide it
Do you tend to deal with problems on your own/with others/not at all? (What’s your strategy?) I mostly just deal with it on my own since I usually withdraw, but sometimes I'll talk it over with someone (usually my mom) or vent about it online somewhere (usually tumblr) in the hopes that someone will reach out.


Tell me about yourself: gender? Job? Extrovert/introvert? Family (if adult, do you have kids & how many? Single or double income household?)

  • Genderfluid. Currently unemployed. Introvert. Workaholic father, dying mother, and an idiot younger brother (he full-on lacks any concept of common sense and he's turning 16 in a month).

Out of everything, what stresses you out the most?

  • People. Specifically their expectations of me.

What do you do to calm yourself down?

  • Cry. Take a shower/bath. Eat. Hydrate. Take a break. Distract myself. Punch or scream if I must.

Do you have nervous tics (twirling hair, nail biting, fidgeting, etc?)

  • Nail picking, tensing up/clenching my jaw, bouncing my leg(s), scratching my arms, pressing my nails into my palms.

What behavioral mannerisms pop up under stress? (Shaking, stuttering, blushing, etc?)

  • Body starts shaking, voice quivers, go pale/cold, staring directly into people's eyes, clenching fists/jaw so hard I get cramps, intense scratching, hiding, the occasional full-blow panic attack.

If your appetite is affected by stress, does it increase or decrease?

  • Indifferent. If I decide to eat, then I just eat continuously to try to forget. If I decide not to eat, then I sit and wait for the pain of hunger.

Is your sleep affected by stress and how?

  • Depends. Sometimes it keeps me awake if I can't shake its grasp. Sometimes it keeps me asleep with the knowledge that it will be back the moment I wake up.

Do you become aggressive/vocal or do you withdraw/hide it?

  • Depends. I usually become aggressive and vocal. The only times I withdraw to hide is when my own mind becomes too much for me.

Do you tend to deal with problems on your own/with others/not at all? (What’s your strategy?)

  • On my own if it's a personal problem. I reach out to get advice from friends and my parents if my solutions aren't working. I like getting second opinions and fresh eyes on certain problems (i.e. relationship problems).


  • Tell me about yourself: gender? Job? Extrovert/introvert? Family (if adult, do you have kids & how many? Single or double income household?)

Female, unemployed, ambivert. Mother, deceased father, stepfather, older sister, two younger brothers.

  • Out of everything, what stresses you out the most?

School, and not having enough time to balance homework, doing chores to make money, and free time.

  • What do you do to calm yourself down?

Sit down by the heater in my room and listen to my favorite podcast.

  • Do you have nervous tics (twirling hair, nail biting, fidgeting, etc?)

Biting my inner lip, bouncing my leg, popping my knuckles

  • What behavioral mannerisms pop up under stress? (Shaking, stuttering, blushing, etc?)

Blushing, repeating words, slurring speech, smiling

  • If your appetite is affected by stress, does it increase or decrease?

My appetite is somewhat affected by stress, it decreases and I don’t eat as much

  • Is your sleep affected by stress and how?

If you count watching YouTube to forget about homework and staying up all night on it

  • Do you become aggressive/vocal or do you withdraw/hide it?

I withdraw and hide emotions

  • Do you tend to deal with problems on your own/with others/not at all? (What’s your strategy?)

I try to avoid problems and hope they just go away


Oops I'm late but hi! I'm taking sociology this semester so i'm glad to help.

Tell me about yourself: gender? Job? Extrovert/introvert? Family (if adult, do you have kids & how many? Single or double income household?)
I am a reserved extrovert, middle child, single income household. I was home schooled, so my dad worked while my mom taught. I'm also from a pretty big family (4 siblings).

Out of everything, what stresses you out the most?
Home life. Literally, being away from home is actually more calming to me than being at home. The further away I am from family/family drama, the easier it is to breath.

What do you do to calm yourself down?
Work, or write. If I write down my thoughts sometimes it'll calm me down, and other times it'll work me into a frenzy. Depends on the nature of the stress. Other times, I'll do homework (usually something that takes my full attention, like chemistry or math) and study.

Do you have nervous tics (twirling hair, nail biting, fidgeting, etc?)
I chew the skin on my lips and around my fingers a lot. Gross, I know. I also smile a lot, but if I'm distracted the smile looks glued on or artificial. I laugh at almost everything.

What behavioral mannerisms pop up under stress? (Shaking, stuttering, blushing, etc?)
I fidget with my hair when uncomfortable. I also try to do something with my hands (play with my food, my hair, etc) and with my mouth (i tend to eat faster if I'm nervous).

If your appetite is affected by stress, does it increase or decrease?
Depends on the type of stress. Home related stress = more food, school related stress = less food. Like today, I totally forgot breakfast and lunch because I was too busy thinking about my chem lab.

Is your sleep affected by stress and how?
Not really. I usually sleep the same regardless of stress. Some random nights I won't be able to fall asleep or I'll wake up a lot throughout the night, but I don't know what causes it.

Do you become aggressive/vocal or do you withdraw/hide it?
Withdraw. I'm one of the most passive people you'll ever meet. If there's conflict, I bottle that shit up and shove it out of sight.

Do you tend to deal with problems on your own/with others/not at all? (What’s your strategy?)
My problems are my problems. I don't take them to anyone else. I don't want my problems to become someone else's issue, so I keep them to myself until I sort them out.