forum Story Prompt Game?
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 33 followers

Deleted user

Give a prompt, and the person behind you has to answer it! Then they give a prompt and so on.
-you have to give a prompt if you use the last one (even if it’s bad, it’s okay)
-try to keep prompts more open and less specific
-be nice to everyone and don't be mean
-don't spam
Here's the first prompt if anyone's interested:
You wake up in a body that's not yours


Some people's hearts beat together, never skipping a beat, others form off beat Rhythms one never quite catching up to the first. And then there was her, void of emotion to the passer by, no heart reader could feel her beat, she was called heartless. I didn't no what to think of her the first time we bumped shoulders, instead of a heart beat I felt nothing. It was unsettling, not knowing how ones heart reacted to my words or my touch. Whispers fallowed her, apparently no ones magic worked on her being, it was as if there was some barrier in between her and the rest of the world she lived in. I saw her the hallways, talked to her during lunch, it wasn't long before she became my friend. It was refreshing, knowing she couldn't know anything about me and I about her, It was complete and total privacy. She would always stare at my forehead when she thought I wasn't looking, she was worried almost as if she saw some prediction there, but magic didn't work for her so that was impossible. One day she stared more then usual her fingers fidgeting, eye's flicking nervously from her lap to my head and back again, she hadn't spoken much only a few short words. "I could tell you." Her soft voice drifted into my ears, she instantly had my attention. Her dark blue eye's fastened themselves onto mine as she spoke, her voice filled with urgency. "I could free you, but you have to promise to trust me." Confused I nodded my head, "I trust you." And with that she reached up and with a sharp yank pulled a wire out of my head the sharp needle dripping with Blood. I staggered and fell to the floor, my vision blurry. "They've been controlling you, all of you, every one here is connected by those," She gestured to the wire on the ground, "Things, it why you could hear heart beats, why every one had a form of magic, It's not magic, they're trying to form a super human by merging the best of everyone together, but every one here will die." She paused and helped me to my feet. "We'll all die, if we don't unplug every one."

You discover that the cabbage you just cut from the ground can talk, what happens after


You discover that the cabbage you just cut from the ground can talk, what happens after

I blinked once, then twice. "Sorry?"

"I said, put me back!" the voice screeched through my head. The cabbage rustled. I stared. It stared back.

"Well, if you insist," I said, reaching for my trowel. "I was going to make some nice soup for my wife, but our family morals generally prohibit cooking sentient cabbages. I'll leave you be."

"Thank you," the voice grumbled. "I am not in the mood for this today."

"No problem, bud." I stood up, dusting the dirt off my knees. Maybe we'd just have leftovers that night.

After all, this happened all the time. People would always ask me if I regretted buying my farm on semi-radioactive land, but it really didn't pose much of a problem, just the occasional glow-in-the-dark chickens, exploding potatoes, and sentient produce. The produce provided a little company when Kathleen would leave for the market during the day, and the potatoes always helped us combat robbers. It's strange, but I never wanted anything else. Kathy and I were happy, after all. Just two country girls making a home together. Just us, some radioactive cornfields, and a couple of talking plants. A real family.

This is very strange and probably badly written I'm sorry

Deleted user

(awesome, thanks
Like most people, I hated being woken up before I wanted to, especially on a work night. But a gut feeling propelled me out of bed, through the hallway, and to unlock the door of my small apartment. No one was there, except for a rather large box sitting in the hallway. I hauled it inside, figuring I could deal with it in the morning, when I had more sleep and more common sense. I headed back to bed, snuggling up under the covers, happy to be back in bed.
Then the noises started. It was quiet enough at first that I barely noticed it, writing off the small wails and thuds as other people in the complex, but the noises got louder and louder, until they were unbearable. I angrily threw off the covers, scowling as I made my way to the kitchen. I'm going to be so damn tired tomorrow I thought, as a stepped through the hallway. I was so wrapped up in my own thoughts, It took me a few seconds to notice the box was wide open.

Deleted user

(ah fuck sorry. here's a soulmate one in honor of valentine's day
In your world, no one can see color until you meet your soulmate. You've never seen any color, until one day when you brush hands with your highschool rival one day


It's a rivalry we were basically placed into, let's be real, Flutes and Saxophones don't mix. Ever day it was the same thing, walk into band set up, and wait, he was always there right after I sat down to 'Accidentally
play his reedy instrument in me ear fallowed by "Oh sorry short stack I didn't see you there." , He didn't just play a Saxophone, oh no it was even more obnoxious he played the Baritone Saxophone, we're talking a bright shiny large instrument. Every day it was the same, day after day. It was normal, it became a part of daily life. I came into band my vision bleak as ever the grays and blacks perfectly fitting my mood, It was stupid, why was I upset, it was just life, they were just people it was just words. I set up put my flute to my lips and attempted to play tears dripping from my closed eye's, I waited for the loud obnoxious noise to play in my ear, it never came, a hand gently settled it's self on my knee, "Hey short stack, You can talk to me." I opened my eye's to look into his, warm and brown just like a warm hug. I sniffled, and set down my flute, " You're eye's are so pretty, colors are so pretty." I smiled a shaky smile and let my soul mate give me a long over due hug, "I wondered when you'd see them Short stack, I've been waiting."


(prompt please

(Sorry I forgot!)
You find a strange mark on the door to your bed room, upon further inspection it begins to glow, what happens next

Deleted user

I sighed as I looked at my door, which was now marked with a pentagon and glowing a deep, crimson red.
"AZA!!" I called. "I told you to stop summoning shit in my room!"
Azaziel poked her head in the doorway sheepishly. "Sorry, love. I really needed to talk to my buddy-"
I cut her off with a wave of my hand. "When I agreed to let you move in with me, you promised you wouldn't do stuff like this!"
She grinned, showing off her pearly white fangs. "Aw, you know you love me"
"yeah, yeah." I said, ruffling her hair, and giving her a quick kiss. "But next time you summon something in my room, you're sleeping on the couch, deal?"
(sorry this is soooo terrible, I can't.)
You see something in the mirror that shouldn't be there.


I stare at my reflection in disbelief, No way I reach up and pluck a single strand of hair and hold it closer to the mirror, First I'm in shock, then disbelief, I blink a few times to assure it;s still there. Those rotten kids have finally done it, I've gone gray
(Sorry that was so short.)
You find a glowing sword in your kitchen, what do you do?