forum Story Hangover
Started by @eztliraldclairinda

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So, I finished my story (mapping it out in my head at least) and now I am feeling story hangover. Just to explain, this is the excitement you feel when you finish a story and then suddenly fall into a deep sadness cause you realize it's over.

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Truer words have never been spoken… I only have a few chapters left to write on my story and I don’t wanna quit cause I love the characters and all… You could say I’m procrastinating in the way of adding events and chapters and scenes and just anything so that I don’t have to end it!


Yeah…finished just this morning. The good news is that I still have to write the physical copy so I'll get to take the adventure again. (and cry again when characters die…)


I KNOW! 😭😭😭
My story has a bad habit of taking over and there is nothing I can do about it…the death of one of my favorite characters was one of these times.

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I never kill any of my characters but I made my otp break up a couple of times and that’s almost like going through a breakup myslef lol


If you were to ask any of my school friends, they would tell you I'm a really happy and positive person. They have compared me to light and the sun.

So when they read my poetry or stories, they're like, "Umm, hello! Where's Becca? Is she in there? I'd like to speak with her, please!"

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Hahaha when I ask my friends to read my poetry or song lyrics they are more like ”Dude…that’s depressing. You okay?”


Hahaha when I ask my friends to read my poetry or song lyrics they are more like ”Dude…that’s depressing. You okay?”

YES!!! That's exactly it!

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

I feel all of this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When I decided on how my book series would end, I was basically bawling my eyes out. Now I have to write it all down and pray I don't screw it up more…