Started by @fruitbatsandearlgrey

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I felt like we needed a good old fashioned writing game. I took a class where we'd do this basically every day to get us in the creative mindset and it always had great results. Here's how it works:

A commenter (me, because I'm starting it) says a name. Any random, made-up name will do. The next commenter (or even next few commenters) writes a story about that person. It doesn't have to be good, just whatever pops into their head for that name. Then, they give another name for the commenter after them. (OPTIONAL- They can also give an object, location, or small dialogue prompt with the name if they so please.) I'll start.

NAME- Joyce Mitnik

Let's see where this goes!


Joyce groaned and flopped over her bed, laying her phone face down on the sheet next to her. Again, her big sister was calling. Before that, it had been her mom. Why didn't any of them trust her to make her own decisions, on her own? It was like they still thought she was the baby of the family, not the strong person she'd become. She was waaaay more capable than any of them realized, and she owed it all not to her family, but to her farm. When her grandparents had moved farther away, and needed someone to help take care of them, her older siblings and parents had been too busy. Not little Joyce, of course. So they'd sent her to the farm every summer, all summer. It had cut her off and away from her friends, leaving her the outsider every fall when she returned to school. However, when her grandpa had come home from a special auction with two near wild horses, it had all changed. She'd spent hours working with and around them, literally sleeping in the barn to be closer to them. She'd even ridden them bareback over the acres and acres of land owned by her grandparents. It had really changed her. Now, living in a college dorm and preparing for her first semester, Joyce did indeed feel lost. But nothing her overprotective parents could fix, and it bothered her that they all tried so hard. She stood, leaving her phone behind as she grabbed her backpack, and headed out to get some much needed coffee. Since the town was a college town, she was almost guaranteed to make friends wherever she went, if she was willing to try to be social.

Idk if that's what you wanted, or if I did it right, but that's what I got from the name!
Ava Marie McNelson