forum Stimming?
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 36 followers

Deleted user

I want to learn how others stim and who on here does.
I usually blink a bunch and crack my fingers.

Deleted user

I chew. Like whatever's there, I bite. Even my taste buds, I just straight up rip them off with my teeth. I even bit off a chunk of my tongue once, but that's another story. (You know, that might be why I can't taste too well.) I bite my nails and the skin around them. I bite my knuckles too. I bite whatever. I owe my life and soul to whoever made gum lol

Deleted user

Oof, I love gum too. I'm trying to find a chew necklace thing 'cause I tend to chew too. I have a fidgit cube and I chew it more than actually playing with ti

Deleted user

Lol mood. You know those necklace candies they have? You should get some of those. They're honestly the best.

Deleted user

Ah. Well that sucks. You could always just get a tiny silver chain and chew on it

Deleted user

Yeah, I have a necklace with a scorpion in it and I tend to chew on that

Deleted user

Okay, so I have a large amethyst on a necklace and I stopped chewing on it because I thought it was toxic, but I just found out it isn't and I'm big happy!