forum Starkid!!
Started by @Sleep-deprived-and-Stupid group

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So James Tolbert did an Instagram Livestream where he taught the choreography for No One Remembers Achmed and uploaded it on YouTube
I just did it and it was really fun, it was like being in rehearsal again
So if you miss theatre maybe try it out?


Quickly, best song from your favorite starkid musical, you also have to make some f your characters sing a line (or 2) from said song.

Wagon on Fire, Trail to Oregon

Zaro: Your wagon is on fire! - Zachary: When did this get serious?- Zoe: When my world's at stake..

Zaro: Your journey is a sham!- Angel: You should have payed attention dad Zach.- Zoe: There are lives to save.

Zaro: And all that you desire… You're back to where you began…

@HighPockets group

I've actually been working on an AU with some of mine, and these fit really well:
Inevitable: Jackson to Geneva
Not Your Seed: Claire to Victor (just replace father with brother)
Let It Out: Beck


bro me too (although it's black friday)

Tom: Zachary
Tim: Oliver
Linda: Angel
Becky: Kaen (FTM's where you at)
Wiggly: Zaro
Uncle Wiley: Zaro's main follower who I have not yet named
McNamara: Mary (les ghost mom)
Lex: Zoe

Everyone else are just random people, or characters I missed.


I'm trying to write an english essay on the raising steel prices in the 60's (I know, isn't it the most fascinating thing in the world?) and in the speech, there is one General McNamara. I got distracted by that, and then re-reading my first body paragraph, I used the phrase "potential implications" but never brought it up in my paragraph and my mind instantly screamed "I didn't think about the implications" And I'm really tired and think that I should sleep before I keep referencing TGWDLM in my essay. It was bad enough when I talked about Holy Musical B@tman in a different one. We don't need a repeat.