forum Soulmates?
Started by @charkieshark

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Heyyyy peoples… so I’m just super bored and feel like knowing people’s opinions on a kinda debated topic. How do you guys feel about soulmates? Do you think they’re real? If so, what’s your opinion on them?


Sounds cheesy. Especially since there are ace and aro out there (unless you're talking about platonic soulmates)


I’ve always thought the idea of soulmates was cute. But I’ve always thought of soulmates of something like they complete each other. Like a figure eight, alone you are a circle complete by yourself, but when you add your soulmate you become a figure eight. Two circles combined to complete a bigger goal. And those who are ace or aro their soulmate died at a young age. You can have more than one soulmate also, like if you change than your old soulmate wouldn’t necessarily complete you anymore so your new soulmate would complete you. Does that all make sense?


Yes, also thinks it's cute, but still cheesy, like, who orders the soulmates? And there are those who are ace or aro but just don't need romance
And the chance of you finding them is, like, 1 in 7,000,000,000

@Riorlyne pets

Answer to original question: I find the concept quite romantic and I don’t mind it in fiction if it’s done well, buuut I don’t think we have soulmates irl.

I think every relationship, romantic or not, takes work (from both parties) and sometimes thinking in terms of ‘soulmate’ can be an excuse to ignore warning signals (he gets mega-jealous when I spend time with other friends but that’s cause he’s my soulmate) or to be lazy/expect perfection (he doesn’t pick up on my every unspoken emotion; clearly he’s not my soulmate).

@Becfromthedead group

I'm not sure. I think everybody has a certain type of person they'd be happiest with, and I feel like the term soulmates definitely includes platonic soulmates because it's really about that emotional that you have with another person. Is there one soulmate out there for everyone? I'm not sure. There are a lot of people who settle for mediocre or even abusive relationships and call it true love, so you could say that they never actually went out to find their soulmate, therefore some relationships' absence of love doesn't disprove the existence of soulmates. I do like what @Suga Lover ~Insta-Smile~ said about changing soulmates over time though. A lot of people change, and a lot of people that were once happy together fall out of love, and that's okay.
Based on personal experience, though, I would say I've found someone I consider my soulmate, in the sense that he is my other half. He was kind of standing in front of me the whole time, as we shared a lot of the same friends and liked a lot of the same people. So I think a lot of the time, the opportunity to find your soulmate is right in front of you, it's just a matter of whether you take it or not.
Still not sure of whether "soulmates" is the right term though. It sounds cheesy, and if I said I've found my soulmate, people would probably look down on me saying that, just because that's what they all say, even when the relationship is far from perfect.


Hi my name is Kat, I'm ace, and I think soulmates are real. But I don't think that we each have just one soulmate. I think there are multiple people in our lives that play that role. Best friends, I think, are one type of soulmate (platonic). And then for aces/aros there are soulmates that are allosexual and/or alloromantic that are totally cool with having a non-allo partner. Or, of course, other aces/aros.
I think that it's not reasonable to believe there's only one specific person who could be our one partner/soulmate, we meet far too many people over the course of our lifetime for there to be just one. Likewise, I believe they exist because we meet so many people over the course of our lifetime, there's no way there's not someone with whom our soul clicks. There's multiple, and our souls click on different ways according to the relationship type we have with someone.
On the note of a soulmate being one's "other half," I don't believe that. One of my favorite authors, Breanna Puttroff, described my (Canon) otp as "not two halves, but two wholes that, when together, became so much more than the sum of their parts." So I believe we're not trying to find our other half (again, that limits us to just one soulmate), we're seeking people with whom we can become so much more with, who help us build ourselves and improve ourselves, and we do the same for them.


I agree with what Kat said. Soulmates are real –to an extent. You aren't a broken person or a half of a soul without your soulmate. A soulmate is someone who is your equal, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Someone who understands you and makes you a better person. Someone who makes you the best you can be. There's no one soulmate, and a soulmate doesn't have to be romantic. It's just someone whose soul goes along with yours in a harmonic way. Kinda like what Anne of Green Gables says: A kindred spirit.

@Riorlyne pets

@"Write Like You're Running Out Of Time" - I was going to mention kindred spirits in my post but it was getting long so I didn’t, but yes, exactly that last bit of what you said. Soulmate seems to imply there's only one possible match out there, but kindred spirits allow for meeting multiple people, and in more ways than just romantically.