forum Soooo since Valentine's Day is coming up...
Started by @actual-fandom-trash

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@The Anime Addict

I am taking my pillow out with me for Valentine's. We've been going steady for a year or two now, even though Gregory (pillow) has been going a little out of shape since we first met, but I still Iove him.💜💜


I have two lovers X3 I’m sad tho becaus I cant talk to them tomorrow because my scratch account got blocked. Now I can’t see them until the 15th :( but I can see the other one X3


I have many loves, though none romantically at the moment. I love my friends, my family, the Notebook Community, and I love myself.

I love, admire, and adore all of you in your own unique glory. You are special to me because you are you. And to me, that's enough to earn my love and compassion.

Continue being you, sweeties. Just know I care dearly about you, each and every one of you who reads this. I may not know you, and you may not know me, but that doesn't stop me from caring all the same.



Ace that was absolutely wonderful!! And you keep doing you. Don't ever be anyone else because you're the absolute best. I care about you a ton and I'll always be someone for you to lean on if you ever need.


Ace that was absolutely wonderful!! And you keep doing you. Don't ever be anyone else because you're the absolute best. I care about you a ton and I'll always be someone for you to lean on if you ever need.

Thank you so much, Aftie! You're absolute best too and then some! If I could give you chocolate this Valentine's day, I would. But alas, you'll have to settle for a mediocre poem instead.


Should I ask out my laptop or my cat? I'm an extrovert… I'm an extrovert… I'm an extrovert… I'M AN EXTROVERT…

Both is good.

lmao it's okay sweetie. It doesn't make you any less of an extrovert.

Deleted user

Ace, I'm in the process of writing you a poem, so be prepared.


Ace that was absolutely wonderful!! And you keep doing you. Don't ever be anyone else because you're the absolute best. I care about you a ton and I'll always be someone for you to lean on if you ever need.

Thank you so much, Aftie! You're absolute best too and then some! If I could give you chocolate this Valentine's day, I would. But alas, you'll have to settle for a mediocre poem instead.

Well I'm sure it's not mediocre if it's written by you!


Well everyone, HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!! Just wanted to say that I love y'all a ton. And I've opted to be everyone's Valentine so I'll probably post something here later but for now just wanted to say Happy Valentine's Day!


Can I just say, how much I love you guys? Each grand, colourful sole, each cool little quirk, everything about you guys. Because as far as I am concerned, you are all perfect! You are each unbelievably special and to know that you are smiling warms my heart. I love you to the moon come to the Sun, and back to the deepest pits of the ocean. I love you all, care for you deeply, and offer nothing but support and friendship. You've all made a n impacts life and I sincerely wish ypu the very best this Valentine's day! Thank you for being my friends! I wish to see you, further into the future! Thank you.


Can I just say, how much I love you guys? Each grand, colourful sole, each cool little quirk, everything about you guys. Because as far as I am concerned, you are all perfect! You are each unbelievably special and to know that you are smiling warms my heart. I love you to the moon come to the Sun, and back to the deepest pits of the ocean. I love you all, care for you deeply, and offer nothing but support and friendship. You've all made a n impacts life and I sincerely wish ypu the very best this Valentine's day! Thank you for being my friends! I wish to see you, further into the future! Thank you.

awwwwwwwwwww thanks shuri-sensei!!


Can I just say, how much I love you guys? Each grand, colourful sole, each cool little quirk, everything about you guys. Because as far as I am concerned, you are all perfect! You are each unbelievably special and to know that you are smiling warms my heart. I love you to the moon come to the Sun, and back to the deepest pits of the ocean. I love you all, care for you deeply, and offer nothing but support and friendship. You've all made a n impacts life and I sincerely wish ypu the very best this Valentine's day! Thank you for being my friends! I wish to see you, further into the future! Thank you.

That made my day :) thanks Shuri