forum Sooo... I've Been Curious...
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people_alt 7 followers

Deleted user

Dude I’d hop on for the ride if you talk. If you woildn’t talk I’d just be like


@Imperfect_Autumn group

Lol. It's fine. I haven't said anything about this one.
I'm headed to North Dakota to visit some friends and get my senior pictures taken. Without an adult. Just myself and two other teenage girls. XD

Deleted user

HONESTLY SAME THOUGH CONNIE LIKE HOW DO WE ATTRACT THEM?!?! I personally blame sorcery like how in the world did I even manage to be with Jensen without otherworldly help

IKR I somehow have currently a lot of people who I know like me but I don't need no man in 7th grade ;) so imma keep em waiting but STILL? LIKE HOW? AND WHY ARE YOU ATTRACTED TO ME??? I AM 4 FEET SIX INCHES 85 POUNDS OF WEIRD!!!

Deleted user

Nahhh it’s okay.

But not to make you feel worse but Homecoming is approaching so all the other freshman are harking onnnnnnn.

Deleted user

Hey Skrull. Sooo the whole point of this chat was asking people if they’d meet me, just a remindeerrr