forum Something Not Stressful
Started by @Simon-Says

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Rping is stressing me out today (probably just because I'm already stressed out) and I just kinda wanna talk to someone or some people. No judginess, just like. A chill conversation.


Omg I suck so much I just created a thing to chat and then DIED I'm sorry 😂
Hey, dudes! Hi, Jay, I'm M, also 14 and also a girl 😂 (I need to stop using this emoji but OH WELL)
So um… how have your holidays been?


I mean, they've been ok. I got a lot of neat stuff for Christmas!
But I'm stresSING OUT about my homework and also random shit (school, my future, dentists, what if I live a life I don't want, why am I always stressed, etc.) because I'm just always stressing out about something, which is honestly just making me annoyed, but like… at least my family is nice


Okok I'm done being emotional
Um so do you ever think about how weird Christmas is cause like Jesus was probably born in the spring since there were lambs
But I like to think that we put it in the winter just because it's cold and sad and wE NEED A LITTLE CHRISTMAS RIGHT THIS VERY MINUTE


Lmao my mom logicked that out to me a couple years ago and now I think about it frequently.
ALSO we can't seem to decide when he EMERGED FROM THE GRAVE, because it's on a different day each year.
Just some weird things about my dad's religion that I find kinda funny lol


I think the Idea is we celebrate the concept, the date doesn't really matter as much as the idea does. At least that's how I look at it.


I get that lol, it just seems weird to me because I feel like there should just be a specific date, like Christmas is on December 25, you know?


I think the reason for Easter specifically being on a different day every year is to make sure it's always on a Sunday because, symbolism. There are a few other holiday's like that such as Mothers day and Fathers day and Thanksgiving. but you didn't come here for talks about religion you cam here to relax and be un stressed. So, are you a purple person?


Like… like the colour? The colour purple's ok, I prefer yellow because it makes me feel happy because it's just so bright and happy and yeah idk, what about you?