forum Something I wrote last night while all the drama was still going on
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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ALRIGHT, I wrote this all last night in a fit of anger, frustration, and tiredness, so don't judge me too harshly for anything I might've gotten wrong. (Also, I couldn't link any sources to my claims due to lack of internet, so I'll be finding them and editing them in one by one after I post this.)

I may be small, I may not be the smartest person alive, and I may have said some dumb things throughout my life that I regret severely. But that doesn't mean I can't voice an opinion. These past few days this whole site has been a wreck, all because Shuri shared a miracle story that happened to Aaris, and not everyone wanted to believe it. What happened is Aaris supposedly was almost murdered by some psycho, she received two bullets to the stomach and a nasty scar across her chest, but she still managed to kill the psycho and survive after being in a coma for a few hours because she's a badass. And of course, that spawned a WHOLE NEW LEVEL of drama, with people arguing over whether or not this was all made up.

"But that quick of a recovery isn't possible, I know because I study these things"

  • I study art, and by all laws of physics, an 8-year-old shouldn't be able to paint this.

    But that is indeed a painting by the one and only Akiane Kramarik, my hero and inspiration, and she created it at 8 years old. You know what else isn't possible? For a piece of bread to turn into the heart of a child on someone's tongue. But that's the story of the Eucharistic miracle of Naju. It's also not possible for a baby who drowned in a swimming pool and was dead for 30 freaking minutes to come back to life and walk around immediately, but that's happened before as well. What's causing all this? MIRACLES. You can't deny that they happen, because the evidence is everywhere. In fact, one of my friend's friends had one happen to him, he has a condition with his eye that only lets one focus at a time, and one day he prayed that he wanted to be able to focus on the Lord, and he felt a shot of pain in his head, but then his eyes were healed for 2 hours. And not all of this stuff happens to Catholics alone, there are many stories of miracles from Atheists or Protestants or people with other beliefs, I'll link some articles once I get the chance.

Look, we've all believed lies before, we've all told lies before, and we've all accused people of lies before. Humans do that. Don't hate people or make them feel bad because they believe something. I know I'm going to sound like a hypocrite for saying this because I still mess up with that from time to time, but I'm trying to do better, and you all should too. This is a site for WRITING, not hating on the people you disagree with. If any of you guys are angry or sad about this or about anything, PM me and I'll try my best to cheer you up since Shuri isn't in the best condition. But please, don't leave. I'll forever feel guilty if you leave. I already feel guilty enough, Shuri already feels guilty enough, we all feel guilty enough, please don't make it worse. Let's all stop arguing, stop hating, stop leaving dramatic messages about how you want to die because of this, and please, don't leave over something this small. I'm looking at you, Emi, Shuri, and Jynnie. And you're probably all like

"But Ella, lying about someone almost being murdered isn't small"

-Yes, I know it isn't, but how can you prove it's a lie? This is the internet. You can't fully trust anything. It's up to you to decide if you believe it or not, and if you don't believe it, don't hate on those who do, if you do believe it, don't hate on those who don't. This should be simple.

Also, if I wake up tomorrow to find everyone deleted their accounts, I'm going to be pissed. This place is my only place where people older than 11 talks to me, this is my only place to vent, this is my extended family, and this is the place I'm happy. I don't know what I'll ever do without you guys. People notice me here, people care about me here, and they forgive me when I make mistakes. I love you all beyond words, and I don't care if I have to sacrifice everything to keep you all in my life. Each and every one of you. Please don't let this drama be the end of Notebook. Ugh, it's 11:30 PM as I write this and I just have to go to bed. I love you all so dearly I stayed up past my bedtime, and we all know that when I don't get a lot of sleep I get emotional beyond any reasonable amount, SO LOOK AT THIS, I'M STAYING UP LATE FOR YOU GUYS.


(cursing censored with the Japanese word for pancake, cause this is a good Christian server.)

I really hope I don't see everyone gone in the morning… I can't stand to think of anyone leaving and I can't handle this stuff, not on this much sleep… Please don't any of you ever leave. And if you're reading this, can you give me a hug, please I really need one… and a teddy bear, and a friend… Or a teddy bear friend that gives hugs. And doesn't judge me when the flavor of my hot cocoa ends up diluted with tears. I would appreciate that too. Thank you. I'm being dead serious, I need a hug and my stuffed opossum isn't working. Oh, and if you want to PM me fluffy OTP prompts or other cute things I would enjoy that very much, not because I'm writing fanfiction, but because my ships make me smile and I really need some smiles. Anyone? …Anyone…?

(Sorry about any spelling/grammatical errors, Grammarly doesn't work on Sticky Notes.)

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Boosting this up because this is important. <3 I'm sorry for everything causing this, myself included.

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It's best if I try to leave them behind, but thank you for being open.


Oh, I realize now that I forgot to add the sources… Should I or should I not since the whole issue's been figured out and curious people can always google it?