forum So I wanna make a comic but I'm bad at plots
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 1 follower

Deleted user

Nah your fine! Every bodies busy right now! …and I'm bored… And I didn't want this chat to go onto the second page because then I'd have to look for it.

Deleted user

Reading books and drawing and doing rps.. Sorry. Ya though the comics getting along great.

Deleted user

Oh that's fine I was planning on messaging here anyways tho

Deleted user

But I'm thinking it's not going to be too long…

Deleted user

Yeah, I tried making a comic once… Uhhh it wasent really long..

Deleted user

Yeah, I tried making a comic once… Uhhh it wasent really long..

Deleted user

Like a chapter in comic for… Which would mean it'd probably be… Idk like 20-30 pages.

Deleted user

Yikes! I bow before the and thy supreme comic making skills!

Deleted user

Lol I've never actually made a comic before just read them so I was guessing I have no idea how long it's going to be.

Deleted user

Do you have a specific art style or is it one of your own?