forum So... I’ve Been Harried and Harried... and I Decided to Take New Members in the Fork Cult. I’m Taking New Members until 2:45 (EST)
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 1 follower

Deleted user

So who wants to join? We do have rules, though. Soooo I’ll get those.

Deleted user


Fork Cult Rules (Made by Fork Satan):

Any and all curses anywhere will be replaced by 'fork' or 'forking' (depending on the situation).

Will stay and never go because children of FC stay

You may use Heck/Hell to refer to my home space

If someone doesn't want us cussing refer to rule one.

Enjoy the complimentary cupcakes and ice cream

Fork Cult is free to all apart from Spoon worshipers. If one is found trying to infiltrate the Fork Cult you will be violently bashed by yours truly.

The only mean comments we can make is of the Spoon and Spork. Here, we hate the Sporks and Spoons.

Deleted user

Also, if you have noticed, some FC members have changed their users to FC styled stuff. You can do this if you’d like.

Deleted user

  1. My name's not Angie
  2. Yes I will proudly support potatoes
  3. I also will equally support forks
  1. I’m calling you Angie anyway.
    2/3. You can’t have both.

Deleted user

Why must we choose?

Because the FC is a family, and the PC is a family. Can’t be part of both.

Deleted user

Yey! Angie has joined us.

Also you two are now my children, just saying.

I am Fork Satan and Mother Figure and Emi.

M’s just kinda here with me.