forum so, I need some feedback...
Started by @RainClouds_Itachi_

people_alt 2 followers


so, the first chapter of my book is a thing.
it's not good, in terms of writing, and I need some help and suggestions.
I have a few lil notes in red in it, and that kinda explains my editing process that I'm planning on.
so, I'd really appreciate some feedback please and thanks!
here's the first chapter! >

(I'm also kinda making this because I lost the first thread I posted for help.. also I've added more things since then so…)

@faltering-through pets

Look, I'm not too good at giving people advise, so I'm not gonna do that (cause I don't know what to say other than do what you do lol) but what I will say is….do you have chapter two done? 'Cause I would sure as hell read the shit out of this story (and if anyone says that this story 'isn't cool' or is 'shitty' then they can just get stuffed and fight me.

And you know what? I lied. I'm gonna do my best to give you feedback, here goes nothin'

Alright, the part where you asked if it was too much explaining on the whole hybrid thing. Actually, no. It does a great job of describing and making the reader think that there must be more of these hybrids that we'll possibly see later on. (Lol, I'm trying so hard to sound smart and failing miserably)
As for the A.I I have no idea what to tell ya because I myself have no idea how to write one. But basically, you can make it be whatever it is you want it to be, take for example the movie "Next Gen", the robots actually (sorta) have emotions and junk. I guess if you were going with a more realistic view thought it'd have to be something that agrees with all the rules and it has to keep an eye on everyone, not letting the minor detail escape it, cause well it is a machine after all. Aaaanywaays, I think what you're doing so far is pretty hella cool, so just keep doing that and I think you'll be fine (of course if someone else comes on here and says otherwise then take their word for it cause clearly, they might know a hella lot more than I do)
aaAHHHHHHHHH I have no idea what else to say, my dude! I just cant seem to find any major problems with it, I like it, like a lot a lot, so I think that's why I see nothing wrong with it? maybe? I don't know, just don't mind me, I'm a mess (but I would absolutely like an update on that second chapter, that would be totally radical~)