forum So I have these ideas...
Started by @TheHufflepuffThatWatchesAnime

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Whatcha think? Please give me honest criticism I want to make these the best I can!

The laviver is more a plant than a monster. When any horned animal goes near it the laviver it will grow onto the horns of the animal. It will quickly grow up the animal leaving vines where it crawls. The laviver is a flower with the ombre colors of black, to purple, to blue. The flower will only bloom on the horns of any horned animal. The plant wont grow until senses an animal nearby, it will speed toward it spiraling up the animal searching for horns, if the animal doesn't have horns it will kill it by suffocating it. The laviver then will stop growing until it finds another animal. Once the laviver sprouts on a horned animal it will grant the animal invincibility, trying to keep itself alive. This plant can only live in shadow. Once presented to light it will disintegrate. This Laviver can bring anyone or thing back to life. After all it's name is revival backwards. ;)

Unicorns aren't exactly what you think. They are a ghostly white with one horn in the center of their forehead. They were dark red/black armor. Their horns are sharpened like swords and they only obey one god; Demonth (he is also one of my creations his the god of darkness, the dead, death, sickness, and demons). Their eyes are an empty black, whenever they make eye contact they find your biggest dream and turn it into your worst nightmare. The lead unicorns name is Destiny the Dark.

Cupid is a small demon he wears white clothes with burns, rips and tears throughout them. He has sharp teeth and a buzz cut. He carries a bow with sharp arrows. Whoever he shoots will become badly wounded, and whoever saves the wounded person, those two people will fall in love. But it is a cursed love, and it will tear the couple slowly apart making them experience heartbreak, depression, and etc. This cursed love and terrible memories can only be erased by the goddess Nici. (another goddess I created)

@Rvan group

Ooo! I really like it, especially the plant! That Cupid is such a cool idea!!! :D
whispers I can totally relate about being afraid people not liking ur stuff…