forum So about my character... (can someone with ADHD or ADD respond?)
Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

So I'm thinking about making a character that has ADHD or ADD, and uses dance to help let out some of her constant movement… is this accurate?
I have to do some more research, but I just want someone's opinion on this idea.


Yeah it's different for everyone. I have (minor case) ADD. I would jump or bounce when I was excited or just because I had too much energy. I had therapy to help, it was really just exercises to hone my focus and help me sit still for longer than a minute. I did things like learning to juggle and writing with my right hand as I am left handed. This was also about twelve years ago so I have grown out of it, but some people don't. The only thing that's left of it is my excitement bouncing. It now helps me think.

If you want to know about other people with more extreme cases look at Michael Phelps. The only reason he is such a good swimmer is because he used swimming to help calm him down, so dancing would be another alternative. Another main character with ADHD is Percy Jackson. Good luck!


Yeah, its good to always have someone with ADHD moving around. (i speak as one with ADHD) They will fidget around a lot mostly, I always find myself playing with my hands or chewing my nails, etc. It's different for everyone obviously, but that a very "recognizable". Maybe have them twirl their pencil or something when they are sitting, or something like that. I pace a lot, and i find myself pacing all the time when im on the phone. I'm also very expressive with my hands, and always use them when I talk. Sometimes it can be hard to realize how you're acting as well. you may be shouting and not realize it until someone tells you to quiet down. Its also easier to make friends with people who seem to act like you, and harder to make friends with different people. They walk a very fine line between intro and extroverted. A lot of the time it depends on the situation. Most of the time they also like to be recognized, but will never upright say it. (even now im sitting here chewing on my lip as i write this) they can get anxious a lot, and its very easy for them to get frustrated, stressed, confused, etc.

Main points:
Yes, always keep them moving in some way. Dance is a good way to release pent-up energy, but keep in mind that a lot of times thy need to be doing something with their hands constantly.
It's hard for them to notice or control how they act.
VERY expressive (for the most part)
Can seem to switch between intro and extroverted (THIS DOES NOT MEAN BI-POLAR (although its proven a lot of them are. Though im not diagnosed, my parents are sure i am.))
Easily frustrated, flustered, etc.


You can also feel as if you aren't heard, or that you may need to repeat something constantly. You can also have a feeling of never feeling like your done. For example, the way i keep adding to this heh. Perhaps something makes total sense to you, but is a hellfire to someone else. You feel as if no matter how much you say or do, you arent don't or finished, or you aren't proud of it, there is always something to add.

Deleted user

Thank you!! Yeah, I feel like the descriptions already line up with most of my character's personality, so it won't be super hard to add things.


People will often get annoyed that you won't stop moving or fidgeting. My teachers had to constantly stop me from bouncing in my seat because it would move the ones next mine. My friends learned to deal with it and it even worked to my advantage because even though I was never that athletic I was never chosen last for teams in PE.

Deleted user

Can I have my OC decide to learn sign language so that she could have something to do with her hands when she's talking once the meds wear off? And can you guys give me some info on the meds?


I never took meds because I didn't have a severe case, I did therapy instead. Not everyone takes the meds. But if your character does have major case, then meds would be a better idea.