forum Sly
Started by @ThatBackgroundSlytherin

people_alt 8 followers


ty ty
I'll follow you back, but I have v limited wifi and pinterest takes a lot of bandwidth
I'll do it as soon as I have better wifi

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Yeeaahhh… it lets you look at stuff without and acc so I just never signed back in and ummm yeah

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It would probably be under Typhoon1912 if I would guess

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Lol. I don't have a Pinterest.

Instagram?? Cause you should follow my dog…


oof if I had IG I would follow your dog
but I'm on a year sans social media
the only things I still have are fb so I can use fb messenger, but I don't really use fb itself, and pinterest, which I prob use more than I should but I still don't use it a ton? and no social media apps are on my phone so that limits my time too


I'm v nervous
in 15 minutes the scores for all the IB tests I took get posted (IB is like AP but a diff host program)
and if I get enough points and few enough failures, I get the IB diploma which is like, crazy hard to get
My school's IB diploma program, for my year (we're the first ones from my school) started with 28 people, and we ended up graduating with like 12 or 13
and not all of us that "graduated" as IB DP kids will necessarily get the diploma
that's fun and nervewracking
I had a dream last night that I got a zero in the Theory of Knowledge course, which, even if you have enough points otherwise, means an automatic diploma failure