forum Sly
Started by @ThatBackgroundSlytherin

people_alt 8 followers


Yeah thanks dad

And I'm that random person who gives advice and encouragement who seems to be everywhere yet nowhere at the same time…..


i'm the eldest daughter and I'm in charge of making sure everyone has snacks and is well fed and also I'm here to help with other stuff too but mainly food


Lol I'm that one person who tries to be there for people but I've got so many obvious issues myself that I'm probably not really helping anybody


I will proudly be your child Sly.
And you will get no trouble from me
Like none at all
I'm an innocent little jelly bean

Deleted user

Can I have food
I deprive myself of it too much


I just exist, maybe that one mature kid that just wants to play but also is like no get some sleep. It's been three days. SLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP


yes I am
I was talking to ppl who didn't know that santa fe was in NM, so I was gonna be the mom, but Sly wants to keep his parental role singular, so we settled on eldest sister
do you need snacks

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I have no idea what role I'm in
I like to imagine I'm just the one that's simply there and casually mentions their problems time to time

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Then in the night casually mentions my problems to myself
And let's out a hollow laugh
It's a problem

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I don't have skittles
I have a snickers and twix tho