forum Sleep Deprived Insomniacs Club
Started by @SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

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@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

So, what conditions do y'all have to have to actually freaking sleep?

Me? I have to have close to absolutely quiet, have 3 thin pillows under my head, something to keep me warm and comfortable (comforter + electric blanket during fall- spring, comforter is a maybe during late spring-summer/sheet), and yet another pillow to place between my legs since I sleep on my side…. I get great sleep when its raining/storming outside, to the sound of fire, and crickets and grasshoppers (has to be natural, not that phoney crap that most white-noise machines have)!

@Kie group

I've ought to have a thicker pillow under my head (memory foam but not one of the tough ones), a body pillow, and three blankets. (All regardless of the temperature.) In terms of more sensory things, I like to have a fan running with music playing at a low volume but the sound of natural rain does help me sleep. I always have some sort of light on for if I wake up in the middle of the night.

And, as something optional, I like to have my cat in my room because I know she'll also be looking to sleep.

@saor_illust school

oh my god
i was up for literally six hours this entire day
wanna know what i did for everything else?
s l e e p
literally my day was: wake up at 1pm, do stupid zoom meeting, stay awake some, and then sleep until 2am next day lol

yeah i just woke up

@The-Magician group

Yeah, mother dearest was not impressed but now she’s fucked off to work while I’m left here feeling shit because 1) I slept and 2) I coughed my lungs up at 4am and it still hurts.

@The-Magician group

Ehh don’t be sorry, not like it can be helped. I just wish it didn’t make my entire body uncomfortable. Parents have said nothing about it so that’s great and I can’t get ahold of my doctor. Guess I’m riding this one out.

Deleted user

And i wanna go back to sleep but i can't, so here we are

@Kie group

You have to watch stuff in your living room?

Not allowed my phone once my parents go to bed so yeah :') I might try pushing for them to put an old TV in my room soon tho

@Anemone eco

You have to watch stuff in your living room?

Not allowed my phone once my parents go to bed so yeah :') I might try pushing for them to put an old TV in my room soon tho

Oh, oof.

@Kie group

It's not even that they don't trust me to not do weird shit, it's the fact that they know I'll stay up well past 4 AM if I have access to it.

@Kie group

they act like i wont find a different way to make myself suffer,,,, insolent fooLS,,, i must always be talking to someone because i crave constant attention at these late hours,sss, i am in fact a cat

@The-Magician group

I’m now curled up on the floor, shivering despite wearing jeans and a sweater, and I know for a fact I’m going to pass out but if I do then I’m going to get yelled at

@Anemone eco

Ah, that sucks, dude. I wish there was something I could do for you. I wish you the best for the future and hope everything turns out alright.

@Anemone eco

Honestly, last time I was in that situation [cat on lap & can't move it] I just got up though maintained the bend in my legs as though I was still seated and just relocated like that. So I don't think I'll be much help.

That's how I always move my cat. And if it's not on your lap. Gently scoop it up and relocate it as you please.