forum Shuri's Helpful Thread?
Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

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I don't think there's an answer for that…

Sleep is good, Lex, it develops intelligence and brainpower, and builds strength… It can make you taller too…

I agree with Shuri, tho. Melatonin supplements can be really useful in getting your sleep back on track so u feel better

Deleted user


I don't think there's an answer for that…

Sleep is good, Lex, it develops intelligence and brainpower, and builds strength… It can make you taller too…

I agree with Shuri, tho. Melatonin supplements can be really useful in getting your sleep back on track so u feel better

I have those, they don't work unless I take like ten of them!



I don't think there's an answer for that…

Sleep is good, Lex, it develops intelligence and brainpower, and builds strength… It can make you taller too…

I agree with Shuri, tho. Melatonin supplements can be really useful in getting your sleep back on track so u feel better

I have those, they don't work unless I take like ten of them!

Then do so safely, and with supervision…

Deleted user


I don't think there's an answer for that…

Sleep is good, Lex, it develops intelligence and brainpower, and builds strength… It can make you taller too…

I agree with Shuri, tho. Melatonin supplements can be really useful in getting your sleep back on track so u feel better

I have those, they don't work unless I take like ten of them!

Then do so safely, and with supervision…

Currently, I'm about to make a cup of coffee and eat a bagel… At 11 in the night.

Deleted user

You wont loose me, I just need to finnish my project
I think I have like… 5 more hours of work!

@Becfromthedead group

Um… Hi… So I've probably mentioned this before, but I'm like 90% sure I have depression, possibly some degree of anxiety as well. I saw a therapist back at home for one session over the summer, but I got bad vibes and never went back to her. The thing is, usually I'm okay and functioning, but I go through really intense 2-4 week bouts of just sadness and feeling like I'm drowning. I can keep up with basic functions, but I cry a lot during these episodes, often for no reason at all. I also just constantly feel bad about myself. I just came out of one of my worst episodes so far… Actually, I'm not even certain I'm completely free of it yet. I'm also pretty sure I have some degree of impostor syndrome, and that takes a toll. My university offers free psychological services, but I'm kind of afraid to try therapy again… It's too late this semester, but next semester, I should probably get help before things get bad again. Anyone have any advice on seeing a therapist and getting help? I'm really sick of unloading my problems on other people (people who don't do this as a job, that is). I don't have things that bad. I don't want to hurt myself or anything like that. I just get to feeling really bad sometimes, you know? And I feel like I often get dismissed ("oh, you're emotional because you're a woman," "you're a student. Stress is normal," and other bs).