forum Shuri Needs A Break
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 3 followers

Deleted user

Hey guys, Shuri has no clue I'm making this…
He just shattered his pinky and probably broke his wrist. I believe he's under a lot of stress right now from trying to make sure everyone on this site is okay.

So, If any of you have any problems… Come to me, okay? I don't want Shuri to get hurt more or have more stress.

~ Lex, the substitute cheerer-upper.

Deleted user

If you need me, i'll be making a forum where Y'all can come to me with your problems or you can always pm me.

Deleted user

Shuri, take a break
If you don't, I will hunt you down and force comfort foods down your throat.

Deleted user

True, your girlfriend can do it.
I'm going to threat- Cheer you up over this site

Deleted user

Nope, I have no clue what's going on in anyone's life!
That's why I'm a terrible real life friend!

Deleted user

Yeah, her middle name is Noel and both me and her make puns a lot
So, I'm giving her a hand sanitizer that's called "Vanilla Bean Noel"
To be honest, I know I'm aro but I have a platonic crush on her? (That sounds weird) I might just be greyromantic but I don't know.

Deleted user

Life is confusing, I don't need to add another identity crisis to my list of things to do today.

Deleted user

So, what's your new boyfriend like?
Totally assuming the role of prodding little sibling

@HighPockets group

At lunch some asshole was giving my friend and I a hard time and I swear the first thought in my head as it was happening was "Should I throw a chair at him?" and then I was like "No. Shuri would say to talk it out with him. And then throw a chair if he doesn't stop."