forum Show Me Your Handwriting? Please?
Started by @Kie group

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@Kie group

Just a thread to see others your handwriting. I thought it'd be interesting, but maybe not? I guess it just depends on the person. Uh, anyways. Here's my handwriting but with a little bit of randomness as well. Feel free to make fun of my chicken scratch.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

In case you can't read it, it says:
Greetings. This is my handwriting. It's a mess, as you can see. I can make it nicer, but it takes forever, so y'all are stuck with this.

Deleted user

(ahhhh kie your handwriting is really pretty!!!)

Deleted user

(yeah man, like, at least yours is legible lmaoo)

@Kie group

(I'll literally post another image of my handwriting from school notes or smth and you'll see a significant difference between normal and neat. What I showed was my version of neat.)

Deleted user

also, i meant to put handwriting at the end, but it slipped my mind

Deleted user

(ahhhh thank you! i like your japanese writing style dude! also, im gonna go check my mailbox to see if your letter arrived-)

@Anemone eco

(Honestly, Lizzie, your handwriting reminds me of a font I've seen somewhere. I like it. It's much better than mine lmao.)

@saor_illust school

(ahhhh thank you! i like your japanese writing style dude! also, im gonna go check my mailbox to see if your letter arrived-)

(yw, 'nd thank chuuuu, 'nd yayyy, hope it has !)

@Pickles group

(probably because in sixth grade I copied three girls' handwritings and about five fonts (I thought they were pretty and I thought it would make me cooler), and they've all been incorporated and vomited up into seventeen year old me's regular writing)