forum Should I write my book in a first person perspective?
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Deleted user

Hi, so I'm writing a book and it has two main characters. However, I feel like I'm giving one more attention than the other. He can get very anxious, and I feel more comfortable showing that through his narration as opposed to saying "he was very anxious". However, I also want to focus a lot on the other main character. Any ideas? Recommendations? Thots?

Deleted user

it really depends. 1st person is better for deepening characters, 3rd person is better for developing scenery, it just depends on what you prefer

@Becfromthedead group

Idk, I think what you're going for could be accomplished with alternation of chapters of 3rd person limited. This will give you the closeness of 1st person to a character, and if you alternate, you can shift focus by only focusing on what's going on inside one character's head at a time. But it is up to personal preference. I say if you want them to be equally "main characters," try 3rd, and if you think you want to shift the focus and internal dialogue entirely to one character, try 1st. You could switch between their POVs in 1st, but that's a little more risky.

@HighPockets group

I'd say that it's solely up to you. In my experience, writing in 1st person is difficult, since I tend to write a bit more flowery than people think and also inject too much of myself into it. For certain characters (i.e. Della and Geneva) I write in 1st person, since they're more clear-cut MCs than my others.