forum Should I Start A Club?
Started by @SaltyLasagna

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Hey guys, I need some advice on something… There's no theater club at my school. It's a very very very small school and there aren't too many people into theater, but I was thinking of starting a club with the people who actually like it (I know at least 4-5 people who will likely join it, and that's the average number of people in small clubs at my school). I have bad social anxiety but I love theater with all of my heart, should I attempt to start a club for it?


Ahhh idk if I could pull it off and I don't want to be seen as lame for it… but a theater club would be so much fun hdfgjjdhsg I'd love it so much

Deleted user

Then it doesn't seem like you have much of a choice. Do what you want, no matter what it takes.


Okay, I'll see if I can pull it off! Also, can you guys please look up the play "Typecast"? It's seems like a really cool play to perform and I really really really want to ask the drama teacher if we can do it for the fall play this year and I want to know if it's a good idea.