forum should i plan out characters w/ like a template or just high ho go
Started by @flora.books

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@Becfromthedead group

Honestly, this sort of thing needs a happy medium. No, you can't just start writing without having any concept of who your character is, but you also don't need to have them entirely fleshed out, as that can take a very long time, and sometimes you don't even know all the details until you start writing.
All you really need to start is a name (which can be subject to change), age, vague idea of what they look like (also can change that, but it's still important), and a basic character type/background. I'd avoid basic personality typing like MBTI, but stick to more of an "archetype," I guess. (Examples: A brutish, bearded bartender who's seen his fair share of war and tells the best stories; A charismatic young woman who can get most people to play along with her lies, but this control somewhat makes up for the lack of control she's had in other parts of her life.) I think a better word for it would be basic concept, maybe?