forum Should I have guns or bows and arrows in my story?
Started by @CopperQueen

people_alt 4 followers


In my story there's another world alongside ours and there was a war about 10 years ago and I'm wondering if I should let them fight with guns or if they should do it bow and arrow style.
They wear pretty old style capes and the story elements are based around flowers if tha helps.

@Becfromthedead group

Well, this all depends… You could go for an in-between and do more developed crossbows if you wanted. Or place it in an era where there are guns, but they’re not extremely developed yet. I don’t think you could go wrong with any of those things though.
As for aesthetic, I think guns would be cool maybe (first thing that came to mind when you said flowers was Guns N’ Roses). But a bow and arrow could work with the aesthetic too, with them having those capes and all.

@Reblod flag

Capes and guns makes me think really epic dystopia which makes me think of energy bows and arrows which is probably so irrelevant