forum Short story/rant about a problem I have right now
Started by @ElderGod-Carrots

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Okay, so, I don't know how many of you saw my last post about this situation so I'm just going to refresh here real quick:
I dated this guy for like a week or two and ended up breaking it off with him after he touched me in some private places that I was not comfortable with. Then he tried to guilt trip me into get back with him and then tried to go after my best friend. I told him that I was a lesbian to help me break up with him and for him to accept it better but I am currently not putting a label on myself as when I do, that label becomes a phase and my friends always bug me about it so I'm currently going with 'I like who I like and that is that.' This guy doesn't know that, though.

Here are some updates and my problem now:

One Saturday I received a message from my ex-ex, as in the girl I dated for 9 months and then she broke it off. This message said that the guy I had just dated, was sending her screenshots of mine and his personal messages from Instagram. I then told the guy to not to do as it is an invasion of privacy and my fucking ex does not want to see all those messages. He apologized and I didn't accept his apology. I have had no messages from him since.

I am currently in a relationship with a girl, she's a year older then me (Bit of a bitch at times to other people but like not often) and has been crushing on me since the end of last year. I do like her, I know that but…

Yesterday night I had a sleepover with three of my best friends, two of which are guys (They're the ones who had the chat 'my friends have something to say' or something along those lines, it's from a while ago so… yeah. We spent the night watching movies and in the downstairs area of my house, I have a sofa bed.
Me and one of the guys were lying on that and at one point we were playing with this stress toy I brought him. He rested my hand on top of his and then his other hand went on top of that shortly after. Then we moved and we were just holding hands but like between our bodies.
At one point he moved his hand so it was resting on the part of my leg that's behind my knee and was just like rubbing his thumb over the skin. Not to like… arouse me or anything but like to sooth me and relax me, ya know? I enjoyed it and it gave me butterflies which I have never felt before so I'm kinda confused.
I ended up falling asleep and he woke me up a while later when me and my girl best friend had to go upstairs to bed.

but the thing is, this guy has just got out of a relationship, as in a few days ago his girl broke up with him and he;s sad about it. I'm also in a relationship and I think I like both my girlfriend (duh) and this guy…

I'm so fucked up and I'm a hoe, moving from person to person I know but I don't know what to do anymore and I just ugh.

This was long, but I needed to get that off my chest somewhere.


ok so i don't think i'm good at advice but i'm gonna try for you friendo-

so first of all, i'm pretty sure you're not a hoe frien, we're humans, we have emotions, and crushes are things that emotions give us. all is good ok? don't be mean to yourself that's not nice >:0
second of all, having crushes while in a relationship is fine, you're not hurting anyone and you're not cheating so all is good! it's just if you act on those emotions while still in a relationship with someone else that's not good.
(although, this is just my opinion and maybe other people wouldn't agree with me)
so really maybe this is just a question of who do you like more? because if you're happy with your girlfriend, then it would make sense to stay with her right? but if you're pretty sure you'd be happier with the guy, then maybe you should consider it
idk if this is helpful or not but like,,,, i'm here for you !!


So as Rain said, Carrots, you most definitely are not a hoe and nothing is wrong, I repeat NOTHING, is wrong with what you're feeling.
It seems like you've had a lot of ups and downs in your love life recently and it doesn't seem like it all went as smoothly as it could have. Again, it happens. Maybe you're feeling a little off balance because of everything that's been happening on top of probably other stuff going on in your life.
Obviously I'm not in your head and I can't know what you're feeling, so I'm sorry in advance if this is all inaccurate and I've just offended you:
Maybe you've been trying to ignore certain things going on? Cause you haven't forgiven the first guy (which is understandable but maybe not the best thing for your mental health), and you're not sure about how you feel about staying with your current gf even though you like her?
It sounds like your best guy friend is someone you can really count on and that would be tempting since so much has been happening with so many people. It would be good for you to talk everything out with someone who you trust (someone like him I think?) and since you're both going through some stuff you might be able to help each other out. And if your feelings for him are really bothering you I'd go for the classic talk to him approach, especially if it's someone you're so close to. The great thing about best friends is that they don't judge you for anything :)
As for you girlfriend, I would say stick with how it is until you manage to sort everything out in your head. (that is, though, if being with her is nice for you and it makes you feel better. if it just feels forced most of the time or it stresses you out to think about her, I'd say think about taking a break or something)
Just remember it isn't a crime to take some time for yourself, sort through your feelings. Feelings can be a real pain in the neck and if they're not handled it gets harder for you and every one around you. Just saying, sometimes you've got to prioritise yourself