forum Shipping real people
Started by @ThatBackgroundSlytherin

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Deleted user

ALSO one of my big things- ship characters, not the actors that portray them
and I'm just not into smut
at all
prob bc I'm ace
but uh
why have smut when you can have fluff

Broooooooooo same


welcome to the club!!!
but also know that asexuality isn't just not liking sex/smut, it's not having sexual attraction (though there are diff degrees). For example, demisexual is when you don't have sexual attraction until you know someone really well

Deleted user

ALSO one of my big things- ship characters, not the actors that portray them
and I'm just not into smut
at all
prob bc I'm ace
but uh
why have smut when you can have fluff

Broooooooooo same



I ship it as a brotp
Strictly platonic
A romantic relationship between them when be disgusting, Tyler is fucking married.
That's why I found the forest fic strange, emotional, and also disgusting

Deleted user

Phan still kinda makes me uncomfortable, I'll admit….I just really dislike the idea of shipping real people. It feels wrong and disrespectful. (I'm not saying Phan shippers are necessarily being disrespectful, the idea just makes me uncomfortable).


hey guys
I wanted to add something - for the people in Hamilton (the characters, not the actors) it should be fine because a, they’ve been dead for hundreds of years, and b, most of the characters now are built off of headcanons and inside jokes. Enough that they’ve probably strayed far enough from the real people to the point where they’re not, they’re characters based off those people.
this was really badly explained but I hope you get the gist?
…but yeah shipping real people is kind of gross


Yeah I consider the people from the musical and the actual people that died hundreds of years ago… completely different people. Like I don't actually ship the real people, but I ship the character versions of them.

@HighPockets group

Yeah I agree. For Hamilton, I mostly just consider the characters someone else's OCs when I read fanfic.
My friends do this all the time and it bugs me so much! If I make a ship name for real people, it's only to tease my friends since they do it to me. It bugs me so much when (gonna use Reylo as an example bc it's the only ship off the top of my head where one person is married) people take it too far.
Shipping Rey with Kylo/Ben is OK. Not everyone likes it, but it's a fictional ship between fictional people.
Shipping Daisy Ridley and Adam Driver is not. Adam is married, for Padme's sake. Same with Mileven.
Shipping Mike and Eleven is fine. Shipping Millie and Finn isn't, especially when the actors vocally dislike it.