forum Shipping problems
Started by @ThatBackgroundSlytherin

people_alt 2 followers


I love shippin characters as much as the next dude
but sometimes people take it too far
such as shipping people irl
especially celebrities
It gets to the point where fans just start harassing them
They too are humans

idk maybe I'm just weird

Deleted user

I understand this so much, because one of those fans is me……………

Deleted user

Wait, but aren't you shipping?? I just found out about this 5 minutes ago.

Deleted user

Well……..I'm sorry bro, I'll back out of your fandom now so you have more space, do what you have to do, sometimes it's good to say no even when the world says yes. You stand your ground and you don't move when they want you too.

Deleted user

I don't really ship people alot…but I do understand that it can really go to far.

Deleted user

Yeah, if at that point they're not even being considerate of the persons feelings, then they are not worthy of being their fans. (Cause what real fan would want to cause their star to feel bad?)