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Deleted user

Doesn't have to be what you just wrote or just a single line. Share a whole page if you want!

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@Mojack group

I have a few of these, here are some of my snippets from stuff I’ve written in the past:

The sniper pressed against the corner of the wall, attempting to see whatever lurked beyond with his weapon. But it was too dark, he realized as he lowered it again. There was only one way - or two ways; he'd have to confront, or they'd have to confront.

A whooshing noise snapped him out of thought. He leans towards the side of the window and lowered himself, holding his rifle as he scans the ground before moving to the skies. The whoosh stays quiet for a while, but progressively gets closer, until it's a loud roar. He's tempted to close his eyes and plug his ears, but the enemy could be anywhere.

A replica of her race's history, more of the dark side and bloodshed, she mused, as it hissed, beckoning her, attempting to manipulate her to join it. But she refused, preferring her own mind, which was powerful enough to conjure up these thoughts.

We gathered up people, went into our spaceships, and blasted off, never to return again.

Just kidding.

They always referred to the thing as Guts.

Killing off a species wasn't so easy.

I have a few more, but these are some of my favourites that I was able to find.

@Pineapple_Princess eco

When rain was created she knew her job would bring happiness to many. When Rainbow was created she knew she would bring much joy to children and adults alike. Although they knew each other they never spoke more than needed rather they would laugh together. Rain would fall and help the crops grow while rainbow would follow behind bringing small smiles and people pointing exclaiming “Look rainbow!”.

Rain isn’t as sad as the people believed she is. In fact, she would always have a smile on her face, constantly humming Purple Rain. Rainbow always thought this was cute. Rain was someone that would giggle to herself and rain on couples so that they could have a moment where the world would stop for them. Rainbow loved kids that she would show up in their sprinklers just to make them smile. Rain and Rainbow are two peas in a pod always dancing together. Now you see you can't have one without the other.


It was a gaze that spoke of loss, of love, of memories shared and retrieved. Of life. The trace of her touch, the ghost of her smile, the black and white tracks of her long-forgotten voice. The colours she had brought with her into my life, from the start, until the finish.
Time had stolen my vision of her. The soft auburn curls gathered on the top of her head, the curve of her cheek bone, her fragile, pale figure, the slight shadows cast across her jaw when she closed her eyes, the crooked smile, the shine of her blue eyes, the faint yet permanent mark on the bridge of her nose, put there by the ridiculous glasses she had once sported. All these details I had once cherished, slipping away from me a little bit more each day I had tried so desperately to hold onto them.
Now I had her back, and all the stories told, the laughs shared, the fears admitted were closing in, forming a barrier separating us from the world. She stood here in front of me, the pitcher slipping from her hand, shattering on the cobblestone path. My Lili. My love.
She took a tentative step forward. I followed. She was close enough to touch.
“Nathan.” It was one word, barely a whisper, quickly swept away with the wind and accumulated years of missing the girl who was now in front of me, repeating the one word I had, for so long, hated above all else.
I reached forward, my hand grazing her cheek. She carefully cupped my hand to her face, laughing gently. She wiped away the droplets of rain crawling down my cheek, mingling with my tears, and I tucked behind her ear the strand of hair fluttering in the breeze. The sun had dipped below the mountains, and the surrounding world of shadows framing her face and invading the sky washed away, leaving nothing but us, Lili and Nathan, desperately clutching at a long-lost love, feeling, for the first time in four years, nothing but joy.

Deleted user

(This is just a part of dialogue that I like.)

"Why do I like you?"
The boy laughed and struck a pose.
"I'm told I have an adictive personality!"

@Starfast group

Here's a couple from my most recent chapter:

“So go rescue him then,” Crispin said.
“We can’t just go running in there like madmen,” Caleb protested.
“Yeah you could,” Crispin said.
“No,” Eva said, “We should really be careful. If we’re going to do it, then we’re going to need some time to plan and–”
“Well frankly, you don’t have much of that,” Crispin interrupted, “And what’s the point of planning an escape mission. Nothing ever goes according to plan, so you might as well just go running in there. Like madmen, as you put it."

“You really think that’s a good idea,” Caleb asked, “To just go out there and wing it?” When he noticed Crispin glaring at him with an icy glare, he quickly added, “No pun intended.”
“I’ll pretend like I didn’t hear that,” Crispin said, “But anyways, no, it’s not a good idea. Someone will probably get hurt. In fact, you can pretty much count on it. But you’re wasting your time sitting here and talking to me. What’s the worst that could happen, anyways?”
“We all die,” Caleb said.
“Hmm,” Crispin said, rubbing his chin thoughtfully “Yeah, that is pretty bad."

“Evie?” Caleb said, “Should we?”
“You really should,” Crispin said.
“I wasn’t talking to you,” Caleb snapped.
Crispin shrugged, wincing in pain as he did. “You know, I’d do it myself, but I can’t sit up without feeling like I’m going to throw up,” he said “So, unfortunately I’m going to have to sit this one out. This is resting on your uninjured shoulders.”

“Why do you have so many knives?”
“Don’t worry about it.”
“That seems exactly like the kind of thing that someone should worry about.”

“You know,” he said, “It’s not like he’ll know if we don’t go.”
Before Eva could reply, he heard Crispin’s voice, muffled by the wall that separated them shouting, “I will if you keep talking so loud!”

“You…” Jack seethed as he pointed at Kit, “I will bring you back even if it’s the last thing I–” Audrey punched him in the face, but he continued, almost undeterred, “I will bring you back or die trying!”
Kit didn’t respond. He continued staring off into the distance, right past Jack. He blinked several times as if he were trying to force himself to stay awake. For a second, Kit locked his gaze on Caleb and Eva. There was a glimmer of recognition in his eyes and a weak smile played across his face.
“Die then.”

“Go ahead,” he said, “Take him. But if you set foot outside of this train with him in tow then I will make sure that we find you. We will kill you and it will be slow, and painful, and I will make you regret it.”
Caleb hesitated. He looked at Eva, who gave him a reassuring smile. It didn’t make his fears go away, but it gave him just enough confidence for him to take another step towards Kit. And another. And another.

Deleted user

Natasha had told me not to come. Well, if I was being honest with myself she had been a little more brutal with her words. I frowned, thinking of how betrayed and hurt she had looked before she has slammed her way out of my apartment. She was here for only one reason, and I just kept getting in the way of her peace. It only made sense that Natasha had told me off. Yet here I was, strolling through the door of the Cauldron, prepared to do it again. Was I really trying to protect her at this point? Or am I wanting to beg for her forgiveness?

The music venue was packed to the brim. The cadence of all the voices loud enough to make thinking hard. How the hell am I supposed to find a pissed off wraith in all of this? My eyes scanned the crowd, the dark corners, the bar, but there was no sign of Natasha anywhere. It was just going to get harder to look around as the night progressed. Once tonight's band started playing this room was going to turn into a mad house. Thankfully the stage was still empty, but that made me no less anxious to find Natasha. Pushing through to the bar area I did another scan. I wasn't even sure that she was here. The usual cold touch, the sense of something other at the corners of my consciousness was absent.

Sighing, I turned to glance up at the VIP area. The glass surrounding the second floor was darkened enough that you couldn't see what was fully going on within the room, but there was just enough light to see that it was occupied with a number of people that had dull shines at each of their hips. Killer Bee was obviously here tonight. Natasha's target. Looking around the hall once more, my frown deepened. She was going to have quite the audience tonight. Her anger had escalated enough that she didn't care about the consequences, the collateral damage. Her single minded quest for revenge was going to get others hurt tonight. If I couldn't protect her, I could at least protect the innocent people here.

A cheer went up. "Shit!" I muttered, gaze flicking back to the stage as the band came out. I had lost my chance. Or maybe not, as that cold little chill went down my spine. The last figure to walk out on the stage, each step graceful and eerie in its stillness, was my wraith. Natasha. Even from back here at the bar, I could see her azure eyes take in the room. Flicking up again and again towards the VIP lounge, and getting more and more harsh with each glance. She stepped up to the mic, smiling at the crowd below. What was she planning? How the hell did she become a member of this band? She compelled them, obviously, but why? A thrum went through the club as the band started playing. I almost rolled my eyes. Was Natasha that theatrical that she had to– I froze as she began to sing.

I've got another confession to make
So complicated
Let me try to explain
Don't want this feeling to go away

No. Natasha was doing this for a reason. This was a message to Killer Bee. Natasha had been the singer in her band before she died as well. The little punk band had been extremely popular in our city as they tried to make it big. They had played everywhere, including at the charity and government sanctioned events that had eventually gotten them murdered. Natasha's voice was recognizable. This song, had been their most popular. Killer Bee would know…He would understand her message, especially since his buddies has been turning up dead all month. "You're telling him that you're here for him." I whispered to her.

You make me feel brand new yeah
We resurrect it's like I've come back to life
I feel so alive, I feel so alive

Her body moved to the beat, making the crowd sway and move with her. She was just as alluring in life, but as a wraith, she was a force to be reckoned with. An angel of death coming to collect it's last soul. I looked up at the VIP lounged again. The shades had been moves aside and the glass door thrown wide open. Killer Bee stood at the top of the steps, pale as wraith that was singing below him, glass of amber liquid shaking in his grip. Oh he knew, he knew she was here for him. The horror on his face was plain as day. The thought of him getting what he deserved brought a smile to my face. A small part of me proud of my wraith, who could thrown down justice on a man that had been untouchable for us in the police department. I just hoped she wasn't about to leap off the stage and slash his throat in front of everyone.

Is it the way that you laugh that's making my heart beat?
Is it the way that you kiss?
It's gotta be the way you taste

I tore my eyes from the murderer, only to have them land on the azure gaze of Natasha just as she sang those seductive words. She looked surprised for a brief moment, before her mouth quirked up into that sweet smile. I guess she wasn't mad at me after all. I couldn't help the smile in return, although my mouth went dry as she sang through the same seductive piece again, not taking her eyes off me once. My heart pounded in my chest and I wondered if she could hear it.

I love her.

She was going to kill the man that murdered her tonight, but in that moment I loved her.


His emerald eyes darted to mine, a movement so quick and sharp it would’ve cut right through me. “I appreciate your concern, sister dearest,” he said the last two words with such acidity, such distaste it made me flinch. “but you have nothing to worry about,” he unlatched himself from the door and walked towards me. However, him walking soon turned to limping and it was a sight that near shattered my heart to billions.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

“You found something?” The Dove asks, sighing heavily and sitting down on the steps of the community building. He’s the least put together I’ve ever seen him; his shirt is only halfway buttoned, and he doesn’t even have a jacket on.
“Well, yes.” I grin. “Why else would I have called a meeting?”
“You didn’t ‘call a meeting’,” The Raven interjects, crossing her arms over her black tank-top, “you ran into the square, Rellusioned a warzone, and screamed ‘Nerium’.”
“And then I screamed ‘will be defeated, thanks to me’.”
“After we were all in the square, ready to fight.” Jaunyé points out.
“Well, it was urgent.” I wave the comment- and the warzone- away.

@Mojack group

Eyes glowing in the dark, the first sight I saw was the face of a human. They stared at me, and seemed surprised when I lifted my head ever so slightly, scanning the features of him.


The human seemed to call out, running to the door. He was happy. Why? Why was he happy? What was happy?

I had so many questions, but they did not listen. I had no mouth, I had no right to speak. I glance at my hand, and I seem to flex my arm, curling my fingers inwards. More humans enter the room. I know that because I detect their movements. I see it. And I identify them all.

They stare at me with mixed emotions. Making notes. When more enter the room. I figure I do not like these new ones. They seem threatening.

I stand up, and they all back up, while the new ones point their weapons at me. I easily tower over most of them, but I am seemingly pulled back by something behind me. Glancing around, it seems my movement is limited by wires. I tug on them lightly, before lunging forwards, pulling away from their grasp.

It’s freedom, if only for a while. Their weapons are special. They prepared for situations such as this.

Low Power, the words flash across my vision. I have to. I have to make it outside. My vision is dulled, either due to the power I had left or their weapons. I fall forwards, but I g t right back up. Yet I do not turn to the attackers just yet. Perhaps it wasn’t in my programming to harm anyone. They seem to think that, though. I crawl out into the corridor.

And there it is.

The transparent wall ahead of me. I only get a few seconds to view it, the sky - the grass - the tree, before a well placed shot causes me to freeze, jolting upwards then falling to the ground as my systems shut off, one by one.

They wiped my memory after that, of this world. Of this sector, this place in this world. And yet, each time I see the tree outside, I am struck by something. Maybe it is an illusion, maybe I imagine things.

But robots do not imagine. We work.