forum Share your creepy stories
Started by @yeetus

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Share stories of creepy things that happened to you or your family/friends. This could be paranormal stories (ghosts, reincarnation), creepy people and dreams (frequently repeated, prophetic)

Please make them real, I know people like to fake these. And no creepy-pasta please, or frequently told ghost stories found online (unless you saw one of those famous ghosts)


Okay, this may not seem real but it 100% is. So my sister and I have had contrasting views of ghosts forever. I always believed that the spirit world was real and that our house was haunted. My sister didn't a least till this happened. My sister and I live in the main part of the house and my parents sleep upstairs so they couldn't hear anything. At the time my sister and I were teenagers. After our parents would send us to bed and go to their room my sister would come into my room to talk. One day the topic of ghosts came up and we both shared our views. I told her that I thought our house was haunted by a ghost that I called Mr. ghosty (for lack of a better name). The conversation got pretty heated and so my sister went out into the living room to cool off. Out of nowhere, I heard a loud thud from the bathroom. My sister and I both rushed into the bathroom thinking it was the other person playing a trick on the other. In the bathtub, we notice that out shampoo and conditioner had been knocked from one end of the bathroom all the way to the other end. My sister now believes in ghosts and that our house is haunted.


I had this same, creepy dream of been trapped in a house while 10 giant snakes go in the house, one by one (don't have a phobia of snakes, but it's still very freaky) for the last three days. The second day I had this dream I knew what was going to happen and was even more freaked than the first time. The third time though I managed to somehow avoid those snakes going into the house. This isn't the first time something like this has happened but it's the most recent one. I think lucid dreaming runs in the family


Okay so I have a really overactive imagination and a really bad fear of the dark so I've seen some weird things that probably weren't real like once when it was the middle of the night I was playing hide and seek with my friends in my backyard which is kind of a tree covered/landscaped slope and on one of the trees there's this tree house/deck thing that goes out from the side of basically a pretty steep hill/cliffish thing and usually people hide under the deck so I saw this figure under the deck hidden in shadows and I thought it was my friend who I was looking for. So I kept yelling "Hey, Helen, is that you? " (Her name wasn't really Helen but I want to respect her privacy) and I got no answer. Then my other friend who was helping me look for Helen shouted from inside the house that Helen was in there. So I had no idea who was under the deck. I made my way up the hill anyway and the figure kind of disipated… I guess that's what you'd call it? Anyway it kind of still freaks me out. I have other creepy stories, too, that have happened to me.


I don't really want to hog this or anything but… I have like one other good story and if I told my friends/family they'd probably think I was crazy… so…. it's real short - anyway - every night when it's dark despite there being a level of darkness that you can see through and make things out in everywhere else in the hallway by my bedroom there's this one space right next to my door and my parents' door that has an almost void like feeling coming from it. Everywhere else is fine but that one place has this horrible, terrifying energy so much so that you can almost see a figure-esque thing standing there in the dark. I don't like that corner even when it's daytime but at night it's just the creepiest thing.


My dad once had a job basically doing the design of phone circuit boards or something (I don't actually know what my dad does, seriously) and he had a dream that this particular connection wasn't right. The next day he went to work and the faulty connection in his dream was actually faulty

@Starfast group

My sister just finished a teaching program last month. Part of the program required her to do a community field project (I forget the actual term for it, but it's something like that) but it's basically teaching somewhere that's not a school. My sister was placed at a museum and one of the things that she was told on her first day was that the museum was haunted. Kinda plausible since this museum was located in a historic area and the focus of the museum was basically what life was like for the first settlers in the area so there's a lot of personal stuff like clothing, jewellery, books, etc.

Anyways, so my sister was in the basement of the museum. Can't remember what she said she was doing there but she had some of her stuff sitting on a chair at the other side of the room while she was doing other stuff. Then just out of nowhere her water bottle fell off the chair.

That maybe doesn't sound too weird, but she had a Swell water bottle. You know, one of these big metal things?

So it's not like it's not like it could have been knocked down by a gust of wind. She was also alone at the time. I'm not always one to just automatically assume that it was a ghost, but that was definitely a ghost.


I have a creepy/sad story but I don’t thInk it’s ok to share. It happened to me and is kinda dark.

If you feel comfortable with it, than it's fine
Or use the spoiler alert thing, if it might trigger others

Quote my message if you don't know how to do it


Nah, I have a feeling I might regret it lol.

But I do have another one. This one time my friend and I were either in the mall or school, can’t remember, and we were having fun. Out of nowhere, this guy came and started being all weird, asking us about where we live and how much we weigh. When we started telling him to leave, he just laughed and said that we were playing hard to get. Our other friend came and started telling him to eff off. Few minutes later when the guy was being clueless, our friend showed him he was armed. The creep finally left