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@Serenity88 group

I don't know what to do with myself right now.
I was talking to the boy I've been referring to as "my bf" on discord last night and long story short I just got friendzoned. I care about this sarcastic smartass more than I have ever cared about any other non-family person, and he just thinks of me as "best friend". im not mad, just really disappointed in myself I thought I meant as much to him as he does to me. But I still care for him, so im not gonna cut him off and leave him. I'll be his friend if I can, cause i can't imagine life without him in it. (ik that sounds soooo dumb but I call it like I see it).
And after all these years! six years we have been friends, then besties, then we were crushes for most of those years. before I really knew what "flirting" was and how to spot it, he was there messing with me, making me giggle, being annoying. he asked me to be his GF twice before we were thirteen, and I always said 'not now, but when we are both teenagers I will'. here we are, both well into our teens, and
yeah. sorry, I had to vent somewhere and all my closets friends are asleep rn.

@Serenity88 group

Understandable homie. If you want to vent more, you can PM me. I've been in a similar situation.

thanks. what's the difference detweenn DM and PM? Direct Messages and Personal Messages?
currently listening to Dream On, Dreamer and Starset to feel something/anything. hopefully I will get a little better after a while, but im not leaving him; already tried that it hurt too much. maybe next time I see him he will have forgotten this thing… I kinda poured my heart out on discord with a whole lot of stuff

@CaseyJ group

Understandable homie. If you want to vent more, you can PM me. I've been in a similar situation.

thanks. what's the difference detweenn DM and PM? Direct Messages and Personal Messages?
currently listening to Dream On, Dreamer and Starset to feel something/anything. hopefully I will get a little better after a while, but im not leaving him; already tried that it hurt too much. maybe next time I see him he will have forgotten this thing… I kinda poured my heart out on discord with a whole lot of stuff

I don't think there is one?

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Understandable homie. If you want to vent more, you can PM me. I've been in a similar situation.

thanks. what's the difference detweenn DM and PM? Direct Messages and Personal Messages?
currently listening to Dream On, Dreamer and Starset to feel something/anything. hopefully I will get a little better after a while, but im not leaving him; already tried that it hurt too much. maybe next time I see him he will have forgotten this thing… I kinda poured my heart out on discord with a whole lot of stuff

I don't think there is one?

It's personal preference. Either way, it's private.

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

So don’t question how it happened but I put like one and a half flavor packets into my ramen and tbh? Best ramen I’ve had

Just kidding I’m gonna tell you anyway. I dropped the first packet on the floor and like half of it spilled out so I had to get another packet from another ramen so it wouldn’t be watery ramen
And I decided “hey let’s put both the packets in and see how it tastes”

So I now petition for the ramen companies to make bigger flavor packets,

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@FRANKtheTritoposaur group

I have one hour and 30 minutes ti get ready for cedar point. I have to shower, get dressed, do my hair, do my makeup, re glue my nails, and do the dishes. Can I do it??