forum Share and Tell
Started by @CloudyWithAChanceofSpontaneousCreativity

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What's been going on in your life, if you feel like sharing? Good or bad, big news or small news—I'm here to listen (or rather, read), as is everyone else roaming this chat.


  • I didn't really eat much today, which isn't normal for me. Usually I eat three meals and all the snacks in between, but I've been feeling hella self-conscious lately, so I've been trying to cut back some. Not starve myself—just not eat as much. I think I had an apple, a yogurt and some veggies.
  • I mentioned this in the vent chat, but I've been feeling pretty touch-starved lately. No one I'm friends or family with really initiates casual physical contact, so that's something I'm trying to work through.
  • My acne seems to be clearing up a bit, although that could be because I've been actually washing my face for like three months in a row, now.
  • I got a henna tattoo Saturday of ouroboros and it's already fading :(