Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

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Hey! Let's get this self-love chat started, with a lil' thingy I wrote just for you! Yes you! Enjoy!

Hello, my darlings, my angels, my precious ones! It seems that self-love is a rare thing in this world of ours, so, If you'll let me I'd like to instill a heightened sense of self-love within each of you. I'm sure you don't need me for this, but I'm gonna do it anyway, darlings. Every little bit counts. So why don't we go over a few things here today! Let uncle Shuri tell you something you already knoe!

Each one of you, is a member of what is unquestionably the smartest, most intelligent species to ever be officially discovered. And even among your own kind each and every one of you is smart. Your minds are quick, able to store vast amounts of information, do many, many tasks, and govern your body. Your mind is wonderful. You are wise, you are clever. And that's not even factoring in the knowledge you have! Whether it be mathematics, geometry and codes, linguistics, poetry and lyrics, the many, many fields of science, or the history of the world and/or certain cultures. Maybe you possess a vast understanding of technology, maybe you're knowledgeable in the mystic arts, or is it your spatial-visual intelligence, or rhythmic intelligence? Maybe you're body-smart. All those and more. You possess more knowledge than you realize.

Now, why don't we move on to one of your more important assets. The asset of personality. And, let me just say, a lot of things can be said here, but first and foremost, you are unique in your own ways. How you act: mannerisms, behaviors, emotions, motivations, likes, dislikes, experiences and internal traits are yours, and yours alone. Nobody can rake them from you, and anyone who tries to, is powerless in that aspect. And yet you still have even more growing to accomplish! And let me say, also, that from what I can tell, each one of your guys’ personalities is very aesthetically pleasing to me personally. And I'm sure to many others! The community is a rare place where I can come and see all the wonderful, unique personalities! And each one is the best of the best! You have free will and you know how to use it! Let me just say that you are truly a phenomenal human being. Whether introvert or extrovert. Whether optimist or pessimist. Whether agreeable or defiant. Treasure yourself!

Now, let's move on down to a little thing we all know and love: body positivity! We can look at this in two ways. Biologically, and socially. Let's start with biological body positivity. The human body is amazing, let me tell you. It lets us do anything we, as humans, need to do. One of the most technologically advanced items in the world, is your eye. And each one of those is beautiful! Your hands amd feet too. Remarkably strong. Excellent manipulative skills. Next, though, let's get into social body-positivity. Social body-positivity is a touchy subject, but what really matters, is that your body is yours and can be molded to your liking! Your body is a tool, a weapon, a prize, and a treasure! Look at how it becomes you!

Just remember, that you are unique. That you're wonderful. That you're special. And that you are amazing! You are smarter than smart, your power knows no bounds. Any future obstacles you face are pond-scum under your heel, and you are your own god. Treat yourself as such.

Join me next month, for my essay on Altruism. I look forward to it!

Thanks for coming to say hello! Can we keep this drama-free!

Deleted user

I love my hair when it gets soft after a shower
And i like the dact that i can always be ready to help out when im needed

@TeamMezzo group

What are things you like about your appearance?
What are things you like about your personality?

  1. like literally nothing… well my hair i guess cuz it helps me feel less dysphoric(because geNDER DYSPHORIA SUCKS)
  2. Umm.. I'm outgoing? But also kinda shy? And I'm geeky? I guess?


What are things you like about your appearance?
What are things you like about your personality?

  1. like literally nothing… well my hair i guess cuz it helps me feel less dysphoric(because geNDER DYSPHORIA SUCKS)
  2. Umm.. I'm outgoing? But also kinda shy? And I'm geeky? I guess?

Okay. You sound like a very unique, dorky, appealing person to me! I admire that!

Deleted user

Holy crap Shuri


The essay

Oh… Okay?

It was nice.
I prolly should go now, right?

Deleted user

Holy crap Shuri


The essay

Oh… Okay?

It was nice.
I prolly should go now, right?


No, I'm gonna go.
Nothing to me but a bunch of self-hate(?)
And I have class too