forum Self Care Reminders!
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people_alt 50 followers

Deleted user

Hey imma pop in here and say if this is tips on how to better take care of yourself
Sleep for 4 hours wake up and read for 30 minutes and sleep for 4 more, you won't be as drowsy

Deleted user

Eat a snack today! Try and make it healthy, but yummy!
I like an apple or some peaches!

Deleted user

Cuddle a pet! If you don't have one at hand, hug a pillow or a friend.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

If you feel the need to make fun of yourself at least do it in a positive connotation.
Ex: You fall down in the hallway, instead of saying "I'm so clumsy, I'm like a (insert clumsy animal)!" say "I am the picture of beauty and grace!" (In a sarcastic tone) It's surprisingly makes you feel better rather than saying something negative.

Deleted user

Look in the mirror and say facts, then say something good about yourself mixed into that.
Ex. It's chilly in Florida, I had yogurt for breakfast, I am going to do good today, I woke up at 5:40


If you feel the need to make fun of yourself at least do it in a positive connotation.
Ex: You fall down in the hallway, instead of saying "I'm so clumsy, I'm like a (insert clumsy animal)!" say "I am the picture of beauty and grace!" (In a sarcastic tone) It's surprisingly makes you feel better rather than saying something negative.

This one seriously works. I do this all of the time (because I'm clumsy af XD) and whenever I trip or something I just recover as gracefully yet comically as possible and say out loud "I'm just so graceful, I never trip. Who tripped? Wasn't me." or something like that. It makes you laugh and then others laugh, so everyone's happy. This also works for getting answers wrong, stumbling with words, or other flub ups that you might get embarrassed at and beat yourself up over normally.

Deleted user

Ranting help with negative thoughts, if you start to feel them stacking up talk to someone you can trust, or pull up something you can type/write on and just say how you feel.

(and if you need it my inbox is always open and im good at listening)

Deleted user

If you have any healing cuts, make sure to treat them and cover up with a bandage.
Don't let it get infected.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

HUGS. If you can, get HUGS! Humans are naturally physically social beings, but a lot of created social standards (mostly American) cause us to not give or get enough physical affection, resulting in us being incredibly touch starved, and this is scientifically true.

Deleted user

(Awkwardly avoids eye contact with @folkin-around ….)

it's okay, me too

Deleted user