forum Self Care and Support chat
Started by Screaming cinnamon roll

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Screaming cinnamon roll

This is a place for positivity, lifting other people up, and helping them feel better about things that make them self conscious. This is a place for love and support, please be kind. Everyone is important, including you.


so i did something stupid that i kinda don’t want to share, but it wasn’t that big of a deal, and someone got really mad about it and threw a huge fit, but he calmed down and was still mad at me, but the whole thing was over and we were ok, but my frickin science teacher decided that that moment was the right time to call guidance, after everything was over and done with for a good half hour. so we go down to guidance and they think something worse than what actually happened had happened, so they were blowing it way out of proportion, and they were like we have to give you a detention, but i talked my way out of it. but they still had to do something apparently so they called my mom and she’s on her way home rn and i’m lowkey kind of scared