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people_alt 2 followers


I'm also pretty attached to Soren too
He's just such and idiot I love it

Deleted user

HEY how do you change your profile picture, I want to make mine rayla


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I've seen this one theory about the bird and the dude (this is me trying not to spoil anything) and adsgklhkgh I love it

Do you get this now?

Deleted user

since lord variola was so insistent on King Harrow switching souls with someone, and since we never technically saw him dead, and that one time Lord Virus was talking to the bird and said something snarky to the bird, some people think that maybe he trapped the king in the bird?? with the snake??? idk but i wanna see the king alive again


spoilers for anyone who hasn't finished the show

So basically people think that Harrow didn't die, but Viren actually transferred him into his bird Pip using that two headed snake. It's strange for them to mention the snake and never use it, and it's also weird to kill off a character so soon. Also, that's why Viren would keep Pip and lock the bird up. Also, they mentioned that thing about Ezran being able to talk to animals, which they wouldn't bring up for no reason. People think that Ezran might talk to Pip and find that Harrow is in the bird's body.

end of spoilers, have a good day

Deleted user

I did think the thing with Ezran came out of the blue. Why introduce something like that and not use it??