forum School Rant Chat
Started by @Uh.Yeah.I.Sure.HOPE.It.Does!

people_alt 7 followers

Deleted user

Everyone in my school is pretty. I'm too bisexual to cope with the overwhelming amounts of pretty people. And I can't look in the general direction of the science teacher's assistant without blushing. She's just so pretty and I can't handle it. (I take classes part-time at an actual school, but technically speaking I'm homeschooled, just so you know.) I had a panic attack in class because I can't handle speaking in front of large groups. I had to take a maths placement test since I'm not the best and I'm probably going to be doing a tutoring thing (on balance it isn't that bad, even if I am bad at maths at least I won't have to be bad at it around other people am I right?) and I can't seem to make any friends, derp. But I'm also taking rock climbing, which is cool since it's kinda my favorite sport (save dance, that's always gonna be the one I generally prioritize if it's available). I plan to live up to my mother and when I get into college I shall climb up the walls of the campus without any safety equipment and then eat corn chips and get fined $50 since you aren't allowed to climb up those buildings, just as she did in her youth. Lol, not really, but it's a tempting proposition. Oh, and yes, my family is that weird.


advice: don't be homeschooled
it sucks
i'm going to college and i honestly couldn't be more excited


homeschoolers are cooler

and less perverted

and less of them are jerks, although we do have some annoying little butts cough cough Landon cough cough


Everyone in my school is pretty. I'm too bisexual to cope with the overwhelming amounts of pretty people. And I can't look in the general direction of the science teacher's assistant without blushing. She's just so pretty and I can't handle it. (I take classes part-time at an actual school, but technically speaking I'm homeschooled, just so you know.) I had a panic attack in class because I can't handle speaking in front of large groups. I had to take a maths placement test since I'm not the best and I'm probably going to be doing a tutoring thing (on balance it isn't that bad, even if I am bad at maths at least I won't have to be bad at it around other people am I right?) and I can't seem to make any friends, derp. But I'm also taking rock climbing, which is cool since it's kinda my favorite sport (save dance, that's always gonna be the one I generally prioritize if it's available). I plan to live up to my mother and when I get into college I shall climb up the walls of the campus without any safety equipment and then eat corn chips and get fined $50 since you aren't allowed to climb up those buildings, just as she did in her youth. Lol, not really, but it's a tempting proposition. Oh, and yes, my family is that weird.

Wow that's pretty awesome

Deleted user

I always find myself being relatable on accident, haha. No idea why.


It must come naturally ^u^ MY TURN

Day two:
We had to do team building for 2 hours in the morning and we played a horribly embarrassing game called Caught in the middle (keep in mind this is for the whole grade to see). One of my good friends got caught in the middle and had a social anxiety attack and we didn't notice until she came back over to us from the middle of the field and was shaking and crying. We huddled around her so she wouldn't be picked again. All our soft hearts together almost started crying because she was crying. My other friend felt excluded cause she wasn't in a lot of classes with me and my friends BUT THAT IS MY CHOICE OKAY??? It's only the second day and the drama is already too much.

Releases breath I was holding.

@HighPockets group

WHEW! My school does block scheduling so I had only 4 actual classes today and 1 break period. It was pretty great. Girl's choir was the best part, to be honest, except my friend's girlfriend is in it and we don't get along super well when he's not their with us because we had a really bad first impression.

@HighPockets group

Yeah. She kind of ignored me last time I actually talked to her, even though I've known her boyfriend waaaaaay longer than she has. And I've known her longer as well, we took Mock Trial together.