forum Scenario/Choose your Own Adventure Game
Started by @Mojack group

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@Mojack group

So I’ve been running low on creative juices recently and I figured that maybe I wanted to do a little choose your own adventure thing? The premise is that this first post will be setting the scenario, then for each post I’ll be setting up a StrawPoll at the end, and at a certain amount of time, I’ll check the results, and update the adventure accordingly. If, for whatever reason, there’s a tie, I’ll roll a die.

So without further ado, here’s the scenario.

You wake up in a small room. The room has windows, and if you were to look outside, you see what looks to be a forest. You appear to be in a cabin of some sorts. Light from outside provides some light into the wooden room, and a lamp placed on a table in the middle of the room gives you all the light you need. Each wall has two windows at the most.
You turn to your right, and you spot three doors. The doors are all closed, each of them unique in style with their features. They appear to be unlocked. You can only open one, and once you open a door, you have to enter it. You cannot exit the door afterwards.
Which door do you choose?

Deleted user

This seems interesting! I’m just gonna reply so that I’m following this :)

@Mojack group

(I will be, but the poll ended up at a 3 way tie which I was really hoping it wouldn’t. I’ll wait a bit longer then use a generator to make the choice.)