forum sad boiz
Started by @flora.books

people_alt 4 followers


agh i have a thousand unfinished stories
i was thinking of doing something kind of inspired by TKaM like w the kids but like not a kids book lskfjslkf im dying yKnOw


haha i like that
anddd oh gosh uhh i legit haven't written in months
there was one where likeee the character could like talk to the author but they totally hated them so they were like gonna try andd killll them
my stories all suck i don't get past like the first chapter lol


a girl with a father as a lord of one kingdom and a mother the daughter of a lord of the other, is taken from her father's home after shape shifting into a fox. She is found at the border by a soldier of her mother's land, the start of a war.

that is all i have so far