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Started by @RainClouds_Itachi_

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hey so does anyone else unintentionally stress themselves?
because hoLY SHIT I SURE DO!
I want to make music, but i want to do photography and filming, but i want to write all several of my projects, but i want to watch anime-
pretty much just chaos
and i don't know how to stop
but y'all should just rant and chill here, get rid of some of that stress friends!


hey so does anyone else unintentionally stress themselves?

What? No, I definitely haven't been doing that THIS ENTIRE WEEK
(Note: That was complete sarcasm, I'm slowly dying on the inside, all over problems that don't exist…)


It's weird though, I'm normally a really confident person who pushes through all problems with The Power Of Positivity™ yet I've been extremely worried over unlikely situations lately. I'll probably be back to normal in a few days but gaahhhh…

So anyways, how's your day been? ignore my lack of conversation starting skills

Deleted user

I’m stressed rn because spring break is half over and i’ve Barely started on the ginormous amount of homework I have to do, someone kill me plz


I've actually had a pretty good day, I went to my grandma's house, completed a 500 piece puzzle, watched a movie, ate at least 3 servings of ice cream/sherbet/gelato (I had a bit of everything), and now my cat is being super cuddly. Despite all that good stuff, I'm still losing my mind and I'm not quite sure why, all I know is I'm doing better than yesterday so that's a plus. I'm just going to keep looking on the bright side until my brain works again and I don't have to worry about the slight chances that my friends don't truly care about me, everything I know and love could die in an instant, the past two years of my life might've been nothing more than a dream, I hurt more people than I help, my existence is pointless, stuff like that.



Well, I also watch a lot of youtube and listen to music, sometimes I'll go outside and run, on rare occasions I'll dance or play video games… Yeah.

Deleted user

I love video games, I like reading, and I wish I knew how to draw


My excessive childish positivity hath reappeared and temporarily chased away all my problems so now I’m back to being the big ball of happy chocolate-hazelnut spread that I am =D