forum RP tips
Started by @ThatBackgroundSlytherin

people_alt 3 followers


A place for tips that can make your RP experience better!

-RPing in the third person is the most common way to avoid confusion
-Don't try and take over the plot of someone else's RP

Deleted user

-Make sure to add details. Details, details, details.


-stick to one tense and don’t change it in the middle of your paragraph

-make sure you are not the only one furthering the plot: let others have a part, too


Here's a tip for OPs: When you make an rp, set the scene with as much detail as possible. It provides a structure for everyone else to play around in. I've seen too many rps that have zero setting, so everyone else just makes a bunch of characters and throw them into the void, and the rp inevitably dies almost as soon as it began because no one knows where to go or what to do. I don't know if anyone here has played any tabletop rpgs like Dungeons & Dragons, but you should really treat your rp like a tabletop session. The OP is the dungeon master, and the DM's job is to provide the setting, npcs, and structure of the game. Don't be lazy; be creative! You are the creator of a whole story that other people are playing the characters in, so it stands to reason that you should, y'know, make a story. In fact, I'm of the belief that roles, if not the characters of the story themselves, should be created beforehand and participants can choose one and make them their own.

Also, I've noticed a roleplay or two that shall remain nameless where participants RP as stereotypes of groups of people that I am almost certain they are not apart of. I can't tell people to stop rping as people they are not because everyone is into "diversity" or whatever, but at the very least do the bare minimum of research into the culture who's skin you're slipping into for the sake of a game.