forum Roast Me
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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Honestly I want people to roast me but like no one ever says anything bad about me which is suspicious because I am in no way perfect, nor do I try to be.

@actual_fandom_trash the best thing you have ever done in life is come to this website. Even then, you brought it down to a whole other level of stupidity.

Deleted user

dude do you even know these people well enough to roast????


Hey, y'all can roast me.
Also @LoganCosplays everything you do (Even if unintentional) leads back to the Sander Sides. Especially your characters, and it can get kind of old.
@actual_fandom_trash despite you username I have never seen you post actual fandom trash
@Knight-Shives ….I got nothing. I was doing so well!

(Now I will be here feeling slightly bad, but not completely bad. Did I roast properly?)

Deleted user

I think you did!
Could you tell me how my characters always lead back to Sanders sides?


Names similar, pets with names similar, personalities similar, just from the rps I've seen you in recently. Not all of you characters, but yeah. I still think you're an amazing rper and world builder. Just a thing I noticed.

Deleted user

Names similar, pets with names similar, personalities similar, just from the rps I've seen you in recently. Not all of you characters, but yeah. I still think you're an amazing rper and world builder. Just a thing I noticed.

Yeah, okay. I know my name sounds like that, it kinda is. But Logan has a different meaning to me. Could you also pm me the links to the rps where my characters are like them? Other than Virgil, who I created long before I knew what sanders sides was, and Emile, who I am just obsessed with the name, but I'll go on a rant about that later.

Deleted user

Oh stars, I'm sorry. That sounds really ungreatfull.
I was taking it as constructive critism, I want to find out which characters I need to develop more!


Oh no it's cool I figured that! Also I'm not sure about characters being similar, I think there are some but not 100% positive. So don't take my word for it, my memory can be very misleading.

Deleted user

Lol, @SwimwithGamers was annoying me and I actually don't remeber whyy..