forum Relationships, writer's block and emotions
Started by @JordenMor

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For any who are in a relationship, does the relationship effect your writing? Like does a bad patch with your partner give you writer's block? Or does your partner not approve of your writing so you write less or not as good?


If I was in a relationship and my partner did not "approve" of my writing then they would have to deal with it.


I get that. One time, after a fight, I noticed my writing had gotten really sad and emotionally stressful, after we made up, it got more cheery. How you're feeling does effect your writing, but you can channel it into productivity, and a good cure for writers block is to try to do homework, you'll want to do anything but the homework

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It depends on the story I'm writing. My novel "senseless" has a very solid plan and well-developed characters, so my own emotions don't really affect it. However my novella "Pink Cotton Candy" (don't judge the title, I didn't really have any ideas lmao) sort of changes as my emotions change, which isn't necessarily a bad thing since it's told from the perspective of a struggling genderqueer teen.


Thank you all so much for your answers. It just seems like whenever my boyfriend is feeling negative or I am, it drastically changes my writing. Sometimes that's good, I guess. I write different scenes depending on my mood and end up making it all flow.


Yep. Although for me yes, my writing is affected by relationships and my mood, but it is also heavily affected by the weather/my environment too. Like, I'll write an adventure scene if it's sunny or something more personal if I'm at my house.


My writing is usually pretty consistent, I try not to let negative emotions affect my work unless I need to, like a really emotional scene. I'm all game for positive ones, though, despite that my writing is dark as hell. Most of my partners encourage my writing, or even want in. Never had one that hated it.