forum Relationships
Started by @@Rhindy

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I don't have any romantic relationships with anyone, but I do call my cat "baby"
Awe that's cute, it does not have to be a romantic relationship


I have an amazing dog and whenever I get anxious or anything he always comes and snuggles with me, he is a large dog but he pretends that hes small enough to be a lapdog


I've never been in a romantic relationship but me and my best friend are basically soulmates. We talk to each other about everything and I don't have any more secrets from her. And we hang out a lot.
and for some reason that i'll never get she has this crush on me seriously, meeee????

But we still hang out together a lot and she's honestly the greatest person alive

Also because I want to say it, I have this huge stupid crush on my friend and it's really annoying how happy I get just by seeing her face. Like it's unfair?? She's really cute and adorable and I can't even think about normal mundane things without somehow relating it to her

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I used to be in a romantic relationship, it was amazing, but I rushed probably making my partner (a girl) uncomfortable and we broke up… I still have very strong feelings for her… and we are staying friends, my loving for her is growing even more… why does life have to hate me?

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I love all my friends! They're so nice and deserve happy lives!


Thank you so much Beanz. You've been the best friend I have as well, my darling, and I'm truly awestruck that I encountered you on the road of life. It means a lot to me.


I met a new friend over on Instagram. His name is Niko. He video-chatted with me and we talked about musicals, political arguments, and he serenaded me with his ukelele while I drew a sunflower and sang along. It was an overall pleasant experience. 10/10 would gladly experience again.


Yeah! It was honestly one of my best encounters with another person on that app.

And of course, I haven't forgotten about my Notebook fam and friends I've made on here. Yall know who you are and you're all the greatest!


My girlfriend's birthday is coming up and she is having a chess themed party because she is a dork. I'm wearing a fake mustache to said party because I am also a dork. I bought her a ridiculously large hat that looks like a toadstool because we are both dorks.