forum Reed and Miriam's Wedding
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 60 followers

Deleted user

Can I wear a cape made of Squirmles to the wedding?

You're never supposed to outshine the bride

Deleted user

Can I wear a cape made of Squirmles to the wedding?

Ash, kindly, absolutley fucking not

Deleted user

Our wedding will be so strange, the bride in a dress made of whatever the hell squirmles are and the groom in a fucking labcoat

@Pickles group

That's exactly what I'm gonna do

I can have that jacket, the bridesmaids can have squirmles as trim on their dresses, and Mir can wear a full-on dress made of 'em

The guests will be assigned a color of Squirmle and must incorporate one into their outfit

Deleted user

I'm tempted to make myself a ring out of wire and glue one of the shark teeth Reed sent me to it

Deleted user

Imma make a ring out of bones and baby teeth