forum ~Reassurance Chat~
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 5 followers

Deleted user

Hello! I'm Lex and I have Schizophrenia, my version of Schizophrenia is with hallucinations, mostly auditory. With this disorder, I sometimes get into the dumps, my mind being constantly attacked with negative thoughts and whispers. Maybe some of you have this disorder or any disorder, even if you don't, getting reassurance for your existence being worthwhile and productive is something that keeps any mental health well, healthy. So! I made this chat, where you just give out reassurance to anyone!

Please do not corrupt this chat with anything negative, if you need to rant, PM me and we can talk.


Boosting this by saying that it's okay to have bad days. It's okay to have a string of bad days or a sudden number of things that seem like a step back because that means you're still fighting. It may be a step back to you but you've already come so far and the journey is never perfect.

Deleted user

Exactly, I'm going to put this out here: Notebook is such an awesome site, I've made so many friends and people I would even consider family, some people have left, but we will always remember them. This site helped me figure out I was aromantic and maybe genderfluid, this site has been with me when my mum got hurt and all I needed was friends. And in return, I'm with everyone on this site, no matter what hardships you go through.

Deleted user

So, if anyone feels bad about themselves or anything! You can come to your family!


If you ever feel embarrassed about your past, just know that when I was 10 I got a comment on one of my cringey posts from a 12-year-old gamer saying that I was hot. Innocent little me didn't know how to respond so what did I say? "Thanks! You too <3" …Someone just put me out of my misery


Hey Lex (and everyone else), I just want you to know that even if you feel like a five-gallon jug of hot, liquid shit (Sorry for the imagery, but it's accurate, no?) it will get better. Even if it takes days or weeks, or even months.
And if maybe it doesn't get better on it's own, you'll have people like me, and Emi to help you make it all better, OK? All you need to do, is hang on, and try to get better! No matter what, never stop trying to get better, and more importantly, never stop trying to help others get better!
I believe in you! Keep pushing forward!