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Deleted user

Most of us are n quarantine for COVID-19 right now.
And with so much happening in the world, I just want to remind everyone to take care of themselves, too.
Self care is simple, but it's something we often forget to do, especially in times like this.
Some examples of self care:

  • Go for a walk.
  • Don't use electronics for a day.
  • Have a date night with yourself.
  • Pamper yourself - Do your nails, hair, brows… Whatever!
  • Do a face mask.
  • Journal.
  • Do some yoga.
  • Meditate!
  • Many, many more.

So, let me know what you did for yourself today. Let's use this chat to keep each other going.

We're all in this together.

@HighPockets group

I've gone hiking four times since WI's state parks are all open. I went to a waterfall, some place in Spring Green with a lot of rocks and stairs, some epic rocks and a horrible climb up a very steep and crumbly hill, and Horicon Marsh.


i took a day off my diet/exercise/healthy stuff routine because i was feeling sick, and also took a long warm shower with lots of bubbles while i was at it

@Anemone eco

We're all in this together.

All I could think when I read this was Highschool Musical lmao.

That aside, today I meditated. I know it's not anything too big, but I did it and it felt great. It really helped me clear my mind from all of the stress I was facing today(and yesterday, and the day before, etc.), even if only for the moment.

Deleted user

I've gone hiking four times since WI's state parks are all open. I went to a waterfall, some place in Spring Green with a lot of rocks and stairs, some epic rocks and a horrible climb up a very steep and crumbly hill, and Horicon Marsh.

Fantastic!! As a fellow Wisconsinite, I'm happy they haven't closed parks yet.
Sounds fun, and outdoor air is good for us, especially right now.

Deleted user

i took a day off my diet/exercise/healthy stuff routine because i was feeling sick, and also took a long warm shower with lots of bubbles while i was at it

That's great! I'm glad you didn't continue while not feeling well. That's a pretty big act of self care right there.
Showers like that are the best!

Deleted user

That aside, today I meditated. I know it's not anything too big, but I did it and it felt great. It really helped me clear my mind from all of the stress I was facing today(and yesterday, and the day before, etc.), even if only for the moment.

That is a big thing! It's great to do stuff like that and clear your mind.

@Pickles group

What have I done?
I sat outside in the backyard and read the other day. And I'm doing a facemask now and not doing school

Deleted user

I sat outside in the backyard and read the other day. And I'm doing a facemask now and not doing school

That's great!
Glad you're taking care of yourself.

Deleted user

Wait a hot minute. Mir, what have you done?

Well, I've been quite active. I've done some walking and biking, and done a lot of Wiccan stuff– I'm charging my crystals as we speak!

@HighPockets group

Physical libraries are closed, but here's some audiobook recommendations!

*though due to the amount of book stores that are closed due to the quarantine, I recommend against using Audible since Amazon is already running them out of business and is getting enough monetary support right now.


ooh, thank you for the audiobooks! i’ve been doing a lot more creative work since i have the time, and today i went out to the community college’s gardens with my mom to get samples! (don’t worry, we were the only ones there!)

Deleted user

Yesterday I exercised like crazy, doing a bunch of stuff to put myself back on track, and today I did fifteen minutes of yoga and forty-five minutes of meditation. Though it’s not up there, I vote for meditation to be added to the list of quintessential things you can do.

I’m doing meditation to explore a new religion and see how to get into it, but Meditation can be so much more and akin to what you want, and it’s so open and free.

@Starfast group

Honestly, this is such a good thread. I'm starting to get super anxious about COVID-19 (probably like a lot of you guys) and it's hard to escape it because of how much it's affecting everything. I've found that spending less time on the internet has been super helpful, since it's being discussed on like every website that I frequent.
I honestly didn't get up to too much today though. I did some pixel art for the first time in like a million years and that was fun. I probably won't get to it tonight, but I'm planning on making some sugar cookies sometime within the next few days. They're so much fun to decorate.

Deleted user

ooh, thank you for the audiobooks! i’ve been doing a lot more creative work since i have the time, and today i went out to the community college’s gardens with my mom to get samples! (don’t worry, we were the only ones there!)

Sounds awesome! What did you get?

Yesterday I exercised like crazy, doing a bunch of stuff to put myself back on track, and today I did fifteen minutes of yoga and forty-five minutes of meditation. Though it’s not up there, I vote for meditation to be added to the list of quintessential things you can do.

I’m doing meditation to explore a new religion and see how to get into it, but Meditation can be so much more and akin to what you want, and it’s so open and free.

Fantastic!! I agree, meditation can be great. Good luck with your religious journey. I did the same thing when I started witchcraft.

Honestly, this is such a good thread. I'm starting to get super anxious about COVID-19 (probably like a lot of you guys) and it's hard to escape it because of how much it's affecting everything. I've found that spending less time on the internet has been super helpful, since it's being discussed on like every website that I frequent.

Thank you! That's what I had in mind when I started it.

I honestly didn't get up to too much today though. I did some pixel art for the first time in like a million years and that was fun. I probably won't get to it tonight, but I'm planning on making some sugar cookies sometime within the next few days. They're so much fun to decorate.

Yay, creativity! And sugar cookies are yummy :)

i’ve been working out at every possible moment for the past two weeks (because you know, way to much free time) and i’m actually loving how i look atm??

Great! Self confidence is key <3

I'm gonna start using our treadmill
and/or one of our punching bags
one of the punching bags is my brother

he punches back

Exercise is great! I'm glad you plan on trying something new!


ooh, thank you for the audiobooks! i’ve been doing a lot more creative work since i have the time, and today i went out to the community college’s gardens with my mom to get samples! (don’t worry, we were the only ones there!)

Sounds awesome! What did you get?

we ended up with samples from rhododendron, some moss, mountain fire, oklahoma redbud, and a few different types of pines! (along with some others that i can’t remember, lmao)