forum Random Thought Dump
Started by @Natasha

people_alt 2 followers


Dump your random thoughts here. (Pls keep swearing and inappropriate content out of your posts)
My first random thought: The sunlight filtering through the trees is called komorebi.

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Why do i hear the Japanese version of Unraveled and the English version at the same time when i sing it in my head?

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Why do humans have such weird body parts? I mean, think about our fingers. They're weird fleshy tentacles on the ends of our hands. Why did Sherlock not tell John he was alive? Why didn't they give more backstory to The Master? Who the heck is Dream Lord, and when will they incorporate him into another Doctor Who episode? Where is the TARDIS now? Why do humans exist? At what rate does human evolution progress, and how could we accelerate it? When will Season 5 of Sherlock come out? Why does Pixar hide so many easter eggs? When will Patrick Rothfuss release The Doors Of Stone? How does electricity pass from the charger into your device? Why am I in existence? Why is an island called Easter? What kind of a name is Neville Longbottom?


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Why was Moira a handmaid in the handmaid's tale if she had her tubes tied years ago - she said so herself when she was at Jezebel's that they didn't need to give her an operation. And why do they want the ladies at Jezebel's not to have kids - they don't need to let them keep it and when they have the baby they'll have more children. Which is what they want. It's pretty much the whole reason Giliad exists. Like what's going on there??? Aargh! They could give the Jezebel's children to high ranking officials - sure they want them to be conceived in nicer, more socially acceptable ways but it's still kids and they could say it was there's. They have no problem with it being the handmaid and a doctor's so why not a Jezebel and a random high ranking official. No one would need to know.

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join our fork cult

this is the random though im having rn