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Started by @Mojack group

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@Mojack group

Have you ever broken a bone before? Or fractured?

I did in November 2018. It healed by early January 2019; it was a head radius fracture. (Basically by your elbow.) I had limited range of movement for a while and there were some fluids but the healing process went well and I only had to wear a sling a few times for a few hours of the day.

How did I get that injury? Fell down the stairs at my school. Also broke my two front adult teeth, and my phone (but the phone was my least of my concerns at the time). What’s sad, ironic, and a bit funny is that I had a dentist appointment that day as well for a tooth removal. Still went there but for a different reason lol.
I was on soft foods for a week when they put in the temporary filling in, then after than week I had a 40 minute appointment to build up those teeth. Now they look real and feel real. Only thing with them is they aren’t as strong when compared to real teeth so I can’t have apples or carrots unless they’re cut into small pieces or I’m using the corner of my mouth.

I also have a little ‘scar’ of that incident, or rather, if someone were to X-ray my fractured arm, they’d see a crack or something looking like that in the bone but it’s not actually broken. Just a little memory of my accident.

So, sorry for rambling there but have any of you guys had anything similar? What’s your story about it?


I haven't, but my sister could tell you some of her broken bone stories (although seeing as she's never on notebook anymore, that probably won't be anytime soon lol)
I'll tell one for her.
She used to take horse-riding lessons and once she fell off a horse and broke her ribs. Everyone thought she was fine, bc she got back up and on the horse lickety-split. Keep in mind she was like 7 or 8 (I think). The truth was that it hurt like hell, but she didn't tell anyone (for reasons I have yet to learn). The funny part is that our mom is a pediatrician and she didn't take her in to the ER (bc she didn't tell anyone it hurt to do everything akdjdfksjvd) and I can't even lmaooo
Long story short, my sister had broken ribs for two months and nobody knew until she finally, finally told our mom, who got her x-rayed.
colorín colorado, este cuento se ha acabado

@HighPockets group

I broke my finger playing softball.
I was practicing bunting because I'm a super good bunter, but I had my fingers positioned the wrong way on the bat. The ball hit my right ring finger and smashed it into the bat. It hurt and swelled a bit, but I played the double header anyway and never saw a doctor or anything.
I'm also fairly certain I broke my middle finger playing four square when I was like 8 because I hit the ball weird and jammed my finger, but it still is weird to this day.


I fractured my femur, right above my kneecap. I don't know or remember how exactly, but probably from one of my more nasty cross country runs.

My brother broke his shin bone playing soccer. It was in the first 10 minutes of the first game of the season, right after he scored a goal. He was pissed cuz he didn't get to play the rest of the season with me and the team. He was our stat-guy though.

Deleted user

I’ve never broken any bones, been stung, or fractured anything.

However, I have had two picclines (which I heard hurt worse than a sting) and nuuummerous IVs.

Why? When I was about one or two, I came down with bronchitis. I almost died, haha. But they put my on a pic and IV for fluids I think. Another time was when I was like, 13, and I got an infection in my right hand. I got an IV and I still remember the pain. Great. At least I’m not afraid of needles anymore.


I fractured my wrist a few months back. I was swinging and the chain popped when I was coming down swoop, I blackedout and woke up on the cement with a bloody face. (I fell straight on to my right side of my face, got brush burn all the way down, and a Y shape scar on my eyebrow and a minor concussion [the concussion was made “minor” by the help of the medicine mom gave me beforehand]) I fractured my wrist on the right side, the doctor said the fracture was odd because it only broke in one place and that type of fracture I had usually fractures on the other side as well, so I was lucky.

I had my hand in a cast for 6 months, but in that time my whole had cleared up from the brushburn and the cut was healed (leaving the scar). My wrist still hurts when I pick up heavy object or move it around to much, but all in all it’s all healed :)


Never broken a bone, but last Christmas I had really bad bronchitis and coughed so hard I couldn't walk for a few hours and temporarily wondered if I'd broken a rib. Good times.

@Knight-Shives group

I haven't broken or fractured anything. But in early November my wrist started hurting like hell to the point I couldn't move it. We went to my regular doctor they told me it was probably nothing if it continues come back. Soon enough it stopped the week after. Again at the end of November it hurts again. We go to a walk in clinic the guy asked me stuff like do you do sports and stuff, but I don't. He couldn't figure it out so he just said growing pains. Though he did recommend a orthopedic doctor who would know more. A little while later I go to that doctor. They get x-rays and hey I had tendonitis in my wrist. Fun.